They say a picture is worth a 1000 words.What impression you get from this? Notice the clinging unto the foot as if she’s hanging on to his coattails. Notice his foot almost on her as if depicting a floor or door mat? Yet the defiance on her face shows she won’t be letting go regardless

The message saying you’re an ass. She so pretty if they a couple, they look damn good together……the picture saying we in it to win it stay hating
Warren weir and him girl leff again Met?
What I get is bolt was drinking the Heineken an gave it to her to hold so he could take the pic..**
She is claiming her property which is his foot! What makes him money? His foot ! hence why she has to be his foot stool ! & he knows he will always have his stool fi cock up him crawny toe dem pan 😀
Why usain only carry KASI to these idiot parties?
Seriously mi see him carry her a wa street dance deh
Dem hitch up roun a speaker box .. she never at any important events bruh … mi feel seh is pare kotch usain kotch KASI
Dwl, nooo I Neva see a gal take picture and pose with them man foot!. :kimpoi
Gabby and Simone she uno deh.
Big foo fool gal yah essi man!!
A dem gal yah wee mek man shit all inna dem mouth den seh but mi luv him. Di way di gal self esteem low it a drag pan di grung! luv yuh self Scooby doo…. mek man tun yuh inna booboo gal a eve mek Adam eat di Apple foo fool gal… ooman have nuff powa ova man ediot gal kasi.
Rass man (beg pardon) every day suh unno a ride out di glad suh. She’s hanging on into a relationship how dat hurt unno? Loow di gal man. Nuff a unno have man an unno caan get a pic wid him.
Sender, you are really grasping at straws here. Let people be. Is it that you think Usain isn’t good enough to be genuinely loved by her? People tolerate what they want to and if she is ok in her relationship and he is too, who are you to talk bs? Leave the girl alone.
It’s just a pic. He’s sitting high and her low. So she held his foot. I would take a pic like that with my husband. Kinda cute..Nice pic
Wah wrong if she play doormats to a rich man nuff a Uno gal a Tek bare disrespect from ur broke pocket babyfather
/////:::::::::::::/:::::::////////:::///::::::: no sah a weak
:hammer You so damn right :ngakak
Nuff time de boi dem a not even baby daddy :ngakak
Real, wad up Sis? :D. Sender mussy jus a tek art appreciation 😀
Lmao PP mi sista Mi de ya .. usain foot shine lacka dollar peice
Sender you really want to push Kasi over the edge today, don’t?
Right now Kasi home stress out because her big carnival plans have been flopped. Everybody vibes and medz mash up since Mason passing so she have to wait a whole year again to feel like Kingston’s carnival queen. All that money, time in the gym, the constant campaigning on twitter, only to be told “babes mi just ago bill.” Hush Kase.
I’m curious if Bolt Rebecca and the others still going to do road tomorrow and party same way, though. I’m sure Kasi is hoping and praying because she worked so hard for this moment. Sad day when you have to live for a 1 day event to feel special in your “man” life. It rough.
he is sitting higher than her with his face forward…he is focuses he also does what he wants and he is not into compromise
She is sitting lower while looking to the side hanging on to his legs while hers are spread apart … she doesn’t know where she stands …she turns her head to what he does wrong.. she holds on to what she can get…. she holds on because of success(hence holding his leg) she serves what she has …. her legs are wide open ……
His hands are crossed … his hands are closed off to her
Glasses … he can see what she’s doing but she has no idea what he does and if he even means what he says
He is in full control of the relationship and she doesn’t even know which relationship because she doesn’t know what’s going on …
If unu si nuh spelling error sorry focused ***
You know i saw the photo and thought the same thing, but decided to hold my mouth. There was some old photos where they were at a club, and he sat the same way….above her, while she was sitting below him between his legs. To me that says alot.
Why she have to hang on to his foot? His body language is off…. yet posing with friends he is more relaxed
Low the people dem.. I wud do the same with my man and it sure wudnt mean none of that bullshit ut implying
Lol a wah kind a foolishness this sender kmt
not that it really matters because Usain and Kasi are like whatever, who cares.. But you can tell when a man admires and loves his woman in any photo they take together. Take a look at how Obama always looks at Michelle when they are in a pic together, how he holds her. Bolt always allow Kasi to appear like someone who ought to be glad to be with him, he never looks at her and he always appear cold and distant.
kmt kasi is always trying to prove something when she is around bolt,she always a push up and if him not in the pic she always a call him name becaue she want world to kno he’s there cant stand her she is not not sure of her position with bolt else she wouldnt behaving like that when she”s around him the other day she has a lv backpack she a push it up for it to catch in the pic dam fool come on girl just be yourself when dem out pure bae dis bae that u esteem is very low let the man show boast u girl u doing too u is not sure of yourself n if u have to proving thats ur man something is wrong u acting like when a side chick get a one par off the man and want everyone to see her
Smh! Don’t martied bitches say hubby dis hubby dat when they about with their husbands? A jealous a kill all a unno sour grapes. From day one y’all live pon the girl and not a damn thing naw change……same way they did hate God omggg people can’t eat or shit in piece now a days
S/N if Usain was a poor man none of this eould matter smh
Someone ask on another post if she will still go to carnival after Usain friends death. She will not miss Carnival for anything, she cannot miss this event because she can’t let the opportunity pass to send in her pics to daily mail, she wants to showoff her costume that her “Trini designer” made, she would die if she doesn’t get to go. She lives for the attention and she wasn’t getting any since the Rio fiasco died down. The only thing I think will happen is that Bolt won’t be there for her to jump up on and kiss like last time. She cares nothing about that guys death, trust and believe, she’s acting upset because it happened right before carnival and it kind of ruined her plans. None of them cares, even some who wrote how they were upset and cannot come to terms was out partying yesterday and they will be partying tonight and they will all be jumping tomorrow, fakes, all of them.
Zero chemistry, colder than the North Pole.
I posted a comment here 3 hours ago and still don’t see it.
Usain a say “when they go low…we go high” Lmao,a weak. Likkle laughter good fi di soul.
Low the girl. Unno too badmind nd jealous.
Lmao PP mi sista Mi de ya .. usain foot shine lacka dollar peice
Point blank all bitter women!
Some of them taking less disrespect and the man not even rich but kasi should leave and shit……tan wid you man yah gyal screw them. Most mad because its not them in ur shoes
And that’s the truth!
Yea most of them writing long ass posts will be out partying and those that post him weh don’t even know him just to get pity likes .i feel sorry for all of them but rain might wash out dem plans bcuz this rain look really serious
The impression I get is a bad mine sender with too much time on her hands in overanalyzing nothing more than a picture. The other impression I get is that whatever Kasi and Usain have brought to the relationship, they are maintaining it because they are still together, doing their thing and keeping the haters mad with jealousy. Keep doing you, Kasi. By the way, loved the outfit that you wore to Terra Nova the other day. Sweet!
Everybody badmine! Damn! A could a wah so? Don’t see a damn ting fi badmine bout!
Kasi plans mash up!!! She only just now changed her mind because Sam and Renee sell dem costume. Kasi don’t like soca she only in it for he costume. Hush boo…next year.
germaine “hypocrite friends” ago play mass today & go carnival same way. Their excuse is “he would have wanted them to” also that “he is in heaven looking down on them” fking liars. Thats y i dont like uptown ppl enuh. Just a bunch of fake wanabees. None a dem neva mean him good if them neva encourage himfi wear helmet/gears. Dem better go palance to church, dem did too much onto their own selves.
I don’t think it’s an uptown thing, it’s called life and whilst everyone has their own way of grieving, there are those who don’t give it a second thought. Remember Whitney? Her body was still in the hotel when guests started arriving for the Grammy and the show went on. I think in their quiet moments, his friends may reflect but this is a guy who liked to socialise and party. He may very well have wanted it that way fe true.
She changed her mind because up to last night she was on rebecca insta story, where dem go get tan and was trying on their costume. How rebecca and Shari a best friend and she come Jamaica fI jump carnival? Kasi took down the picture of her costume with the tag “bittersweet ” …why is carnival so important? ?
Why is it so important? Because it’s the first time in her life she gained some relevancy and was publicly acknowledged by Usain. Never had she felt such a high of everyone talking about her costume, being featured on his IG, and gaining hundreds of followers overnight. If Kasi could re-live that day every day, she would.
Some ppl fool fool sah. Smh
I was the one who said Mark my words she would be at carnival…I take it back…I’m ambivalent about her, pretty girl for sure but not sure if she fake or real but today she proved me wrong…actually it was Usain who disappointed me in the family dinner snap by Rebecca silvera…I always felt he was slightly retarded but for how he was smiling for Rebecca camera not even 3 days good since his best friend death…I’m done with him…he may be the pride of Jamaica but he is heartless, and I’m done with rooting for him,..Kasi is not the problem it’s the never see come see jerk…I don’t know why seeing him smiling like that upset me so much but he’s been pretending he’s in greiving, not posting, not jumping but he’s there on snap chat… Screw that guy…sorry not sorry I wish JA had a better “hero” than that bum
Are you serious? I have suffered lots of loss in my short time on this earth. Yes, you are insanely sad when someone dies. However, your face and mood is not sullen 24/7! Come the hell on man. It’s a good thing he was smiling and laughing. Death can push some people over the edge especially when you are not around friends and family. Kasi was smiling and laughing too, so what say you? Unstable.
You don’t even know the people and yuh mek big big statement bout “mark my words” as if you a any esteemed psychologist. kmt. You were wrong, don’t blame Bolt’s smile for you being wrong about people who care bout dem friends. lol. None of them in the crew went. Kasi was sure she was going until the very last minute the night before. Why? Because it would look a way. Everybody inna Bolt crew sell them costume or tried to so how would she look if she still went. She nuh fool. If she did guh him chuck her one side.
can’t bother sign in
Yea Rebecca and Shari are besties for real…Shari pregnant with Germaine baby again
I think Rebecca only went because of financial obligation. It looks like her costume and appearance with the band was all sponsored. She was paid to be there so she had to go. She made a point to look very unhappy with being there, and not even 2 hours she spent on the road.
Even the spray tan was sponsored. The woman paid her to promote the business on her social media. Most of these popular IG people, everything they do is sponsored. If you even see them say they like a bottle of water they are paid to do so.
Bolt can’t give time to anything other than himself for too long…we all know it, that’s why we love him, so he can’t grieve more than 5 mins then it’s back to showboating
You took the words completely out of my mouth. Well said ! It is and always be about Usain. He comes first and everything and everyone else is just circumstance. The cooning, grinning and cheesing is irritating. He’s a legend, when is he gonna stop the shucking and jiving especially in front of the white people? But hey, when it comes to love, not me. I leave that to you. Cyan tick de man even for a second. Give me any one of the Jamaican athletic team but the sight of Usain brings on my ulcer. I like his girl purely because no one else here does but otherwise, couldn’t care less about him.
Did rebecca got her ass done too ?bcuz from what I can recall when she entered miss jamaica universe she was sitting on her back and then suddenly ass and hips that’s starting to look a little deformed to me
weight gain
More like dr miracles she not shy bout it
Fat transfer*
Ain’t no weight gain. She dropped 10 lbs this month. It doesn’t even look good. I hate when they have that little hump. Straight waist then all of a sudden BOOM. the doctors don’t even curve it out right. She should have gone to Colombia. Ratid, a dem a pro.
It is weight gain. She started to gain weight about three years ago and get cellulite along with it. She tried to get rid of the cellulite and wear the spanish girdle that brings up your butt. Its not no fat transfer or surgery. The hips and weight was coming on and Rebecca neva even waa tek a pic because she neva feel good bout it. Breast she did over yes but not butt or hips.
Just waiting till him breed one of dem white girls him friten fa so Dwl can tek him money
If he hasn’t slipped up yet, then I doubt he will . The fact is that he has retired now, some other athlete will replace him soon. Usain may be a skirt chaser but he is smart enough not to get ketch.