Apple and her husband put on the 100th party for the year and while the place was not packed to capacity, the three free tickets she gave to the modelmisters brought all the drama which took away from the fresh set of bleach her husband had and the pink flamingo dress she wore.
The modelmisters are a crew of old gay men have decided to make drag a part of their everyday wardrobe. According to them, they told Apple that they would be wearing women clothing. Apple did not expect for one of them to come to the party with his butt out but hey…lets get to the crux of the drama. The modelmisters complained that they were not protected at the party but to date it was quite hard to ascertain what they wanted to be protected from because they did not encounter any physical abuse but claimed that they need a corner in the party for themselves and wanted Apple or Shamar to stand by them. For what we do not know because they left the party unscathed. What they seemed to want was to feel important and made to feel special amongst the crowd in a party that was not theirs. They took to their live to talk on their new talk show where everyone has an apple but only few one of four seems to be taking the hormone pills that would give them more feminine attributes.
Further in the news on WPR, the war that started between Dawn and Stacy and extended to include;- Petal, Tanny, Patra, Nana Propa and Fowlie has continued. Puss has joined the war but she is of zero importance at this time because she is neither important nor is the in the U.S.
Tanny told Dawn that her mother gave her to the wrong man because she is lighter than all her siblings, this week, Dawn’s counter attack included the fact that bath-house worker, openly gay Fowley who has four children………..Slept with Tanny when they were both drunk one night. See the clips below…
First of all you all should not have been invited you all lifestyle needs to away fr straight ppl you all are not even cute drags , apple and sharmar dem keep you all around because oonu a thief , you all are some ugly drags and tuff
This is a tough piece. Sometimes kids can pick up other family genes which will give them a different colour from their parents.
A relative on mine is light skin and she purposely married a light skin man in the hopes that her children would not have dark skin, well her first born is quite dark when you take into consideration the complexions of the parents. I know she will encourage the daughter to bleach later in life. Sometimes all when dem search out and meck sure they mate with light skin it still is a roll of the dice. I can only imagine how she feels because I know how she worships light skin and only wanted light skin children, and now have to walk around with a dark skin child. Man a plan God a wipe out. Never worship anything more than you worship God.
Oooh enuff now, we hear we full quota fi di year, kmt, ok i understand u got u 3 free tickets an u all thought u were treated unfairly, solution to di problem , nuh tek no more free ticket an leave Ms Apple to her own devices, as for Dawn and whoeva, it boring pass stale now, as i said ENUFF, lets hear sumthing new and exciting,
This is not the first time something like this has happened. In August when Shamar had her cookout something went down and Phoebe stated that she is not going to any event thrown by a straight female(or something close to that because I wasn’t really studying it). In their world they are the hottest girls in the world and expected to be treated as such. They were reminded at the party real quick that they are men in women’s clothing. Ego bruised! Reality checked!
HONESTLY , they really need to party with their own kind, i can’t stand them. they need to know their place. JAMAICANS culture is not for homosexuality, but to each their own. They really need to go party with their own GAY people. APPLE you better be carefull because right now they are not so happy with you. APPLE IS so fake she is also a user. this episode will surely tell what type of person you are.
“they really need to party with their own kind”
FYI, they are partying with their own kind. Most of these dance hall men and women gay men and lesbian women. Ask yourself this? who are the men sleeping with these creatures (transgender men)?. The same men who are acting straight and think that because these men dress as women, it is ok to sleep with them or they are not gay. Really F*ckup world we live it.
The face dem sharp like razor
Tanney and Fowley have sex that mean she have Hiv and Aids. And then she fake her pregnancy and lie to the public. This gal Tanney is a fraud and a low life. God a beat her already mad bc gal Tanney. Her mother French monkey and sisters hate are. Tanney you need to bury yuh self alive waste of space in a America
So Trans upset bc BatteyMan get rating over dem??!?
This is what happens when Straight Women entertain them. They bring mixup inna yu life. So this is why they don’t need any invites. So you want a FREE ticket and a SECURITY detail? NO! If you can’t go to a party & feel safe, DON’T COME!!
Look like di MM are about to start snitching. But GOOD bc you entertain some a dem & this is what you get. Let them have their fun & don’t mix what they do w/what YOU are doing.