Gm hun, I’m good . How are you, I’m not judging anyone but of late a lot of stuff I’m struggling with and this topic is one of them, knowing Jmg is still my family and my go to for a lot of information, what you think about this, wish I had the whole video.


  1. While I respect this man’s position on other topics relevant to

    black people, I will have to reject his position on this topic


  2. Absolute truth, Christian is a false religious…
    Jan has no religion. What we do have is the bible as our guide and Yeshua the saviour… Constantine the roman emperor invented christianism to control the mass…
    Before christianism we were called the followers of Yes hua as we walk in Yeshua footstep… I do not use the word jesus as that is a carbon copy made up name, the saviours name is Joshua in English. ..
    90% of churches are robbers and cheats…
    The Jews have stolen our Hebrew religion and given us the rubbish, however the bible is true but the bible do not belong to Christians, the bible has been hijacked by Christians. .. You must reference yourself as a Follower of Yeshua and not a christian as christianism is praising roman popes/gods….

  3. His name is Dr Umar Johnson. He is the prince or should I say the “new” prince of the Pan African movement. The brother is an intellect and has some very deep and insightful ideologies. With that said, I find it rather amusing that while he “preaches” about uplifting the black race he operates similarly to the same indoctrinated preachers of the “white Jesus”.

    He talks about all these scheming demon pastors that rob the congregation for “preaching” the Gospel then charging them, when he himself charges an overhead fee for his revolutionary “speeches”.

    He talks about how the pastors sleep with the members of the congregation defiling the black women, he himself was caught with a stripper… shouldn’t a conscious brother tell that sister to cover herself up she does not have to lower her standards to sleeping with men for money? Isn’t that what we were taught?

    He talks about the demon pastors living lavishly off of poor people’s hard earn cash but after 2 years of gofund me donations, totally a little over quarter of a million dollars the all black boy’s school still has not broken ground as far as I know… where did all those poor black people’s money go to?

    If we are going to chastise the demon pastors, this so call pro black brother do not get a pass for doing the same thing. His words may sound like it is enlightenment? All the while displaying the same actions he accuses these pulpit pimps of…

    I’m about to move along to other posts so I can get my laughter for this evening. Administrator thanks you for always providing a wide range of topics!

  4. Marie and Quietstorm said it all. Brothers like Polight and Umar Johnson are dangerous and should be listened to with an open mind.

  5. Religion has divided the masses and as someone said up top God has no religion, I think the original quote was from Ghanaian. Human beings are blinded by emotion and limitations of the mind. These are things we came into being to learn as the earth realm is a school room, we learn and teach each other. The topic of God has always created confusion among worshippers of man made religion, when same God (as energy, God is only seen as human by religion) is far removed from us. This is very evident not only in religion but also traditional practices. In place of communicating with the God energy, which is fragmented within all of us, we therefore make our supplications to emissarries or intermediaries. Some people need to believe in something, and maybe that is just ok. This subject and others like it will continue always, as there will never be an end of time.

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