SENDER;-It is being said that the wife is a suspect in this murder. She is said to have a ‘Bunner Man’ and the beneficiary of the many policies that the man has. He is alleged to have bought 8 policies after they got married. They have been together for 14 years. The wife has never worked and lives a luxurious life. Can you imagine that the Bunner Man showed up at the funeral and the wife posed with him taking pictures and smiling? Now tell me if this don’t look fishy?

I instantly believe this. .something about her eyes smiling and the smirk on his face.Unno sick John crow belly’s stomach! ! :marah :batabig :kts:
:ngakak :ngakak I thought bunna man was gully bop wid teeth for a hot minute….oops my bad :ngakak
A really di wife that smiling and posing on the day of the funeral? I know some ppl just smile automatically when a photo is being taken, but why you even taking a photo at your husband’s funeral especially if his death was so sudden and tragic. Can someone really come confirm that this is indeed the wife of the deceased cause I don’t believe it.
Yes a she and a Di bunna man dat whe the husband come ketch have with months before he was murdered
A waaah gwan yasso?? More details needed if wah yuh a seh have truth to it still.
Besides looking fishy…it just looks downright callous. She does not seem like a “grieving wife” “widower”….I pray this man rests in peace. And it seems like people looking a quick life upgrade are going VERY drastic these days…as in MURDER drastic…
God help us.
That’s the wife fi true, Di husband did ketch she and this same bunna man in him owner house in him bed Di wife a bi-sexual She f*&k gal and man after Di husband ketch dem den him dead couple months after,fishy?? This a Di whole sea a fish
How unu lie and wicked suh. That did not happen
…..That did not happen
For you to say this, means YOU MUST be the WIFE!!!
Stfu please cause i clearly stated my name. Cuz mi nuh affi hide and post as anonymous. Go find something else to do and stop accusing people of bullshit. Suppose people decide say fi go fi prezi and do him something or do sher something then unu find out say they had ntn to do with it how tf would yall feel. Stfu yall a bunch a f**king imbeciles
So if unno know all this report her wicked ass to the authorities.
funny enuff she was there when dem kill the husband enuh, she did inna the car too, she only get shot in her foot. why dem never kill her and why dem never tek him license firearm from him. that wife set him up.
she a whore from she a go wolmers. beco rip but a the wrong dem try to kill. sherece your day is coming only god alone can tell me say yuh never involved in your husband death.
that man gave you the world but due to how you a whore frombirth u couldnt satisfy. him all tek yuh with yuh belly and support that child financially and emotionally. the child father never look back pon yuh wen u a breed.
a guess yuh mumma (wareder) will pass yuh breakfast lunch and dinner inna prison when it reveal that u killed your husband,to be with yuh bunna man fully and to live the best life with the insurance money.
Yuh see people like unu ago bloodclaat dead bad. Mark my f**king words. All unu do a watch out ppl life. The girl just have a f**king baby and yall really think she would’ve killed her children father and on top of that she almost died as well.
Mi say as there is a god mi want some a unu just drop dead. Leave beco mek him rest in peace.
Mi never bloodclaat kno u couldnt smile if u a grieve mi never kno u couldnt smile while taking a pic at a funeral. She has 3 f**king children to be strong for i dont expect her to sit down and cry 24/7 infront of her kids she affi move on wid life. All a unu weh claim to be sher friend a unu same one a put har down. Unu a wicked unu bruck jesus chair foot
Move on with life after three months of death? Dats why mi know seh most ppl a JA nuh have the first clue what real love is. So your husband who you have been married to for 14 long years was attacked viciously right in front of your eyes and succumbed to his injuries later or died right there on the spot, and you can smile and take a photo at his funeral no less? While I do not believe in accusing anyone of murder without solid prove her taking any pic smiling gives us cause for pause. You know how tragic it is to see someone’s life taken before your eyes, even a stranger, and to see your spouse who you planned to grow old with pummeled with bullets and you have the strength to even walk much less teck smiling picture at his funeral nonetheless. Gwan guh learn bout what true love is, and what trauma shock is. Truthfully, she should have been wheeled into that funeral cause she should be in such sorrows that she could not even find the strength to stand up on her feet. All this shit about everyone grieve differently is just that, shit! Grief should look like grief, grief should be pitiful to observe, I should be able to recognize grief even if I am in a strange country and don’t speak the language of the people, emotions should transcend language.
Now, the above does not mean I believe that she is complicit in the murder of her husband. Like I said, murder is too vicious a crime to accuse someone of without solid proof; however, the above picture does not help her case. I wish her and their children all the best.
Love u DUTTY bloodclaat a shereece an prezzi a f**k long rass time an Di last baby a fi prezzi bout 3months gal no mourn from beco dead,dutty wicked gal,
How the f**k the last baby fi be presi when that baby looks like ainsley ???? STFU !!!! Prezi and sher lef from 2014. Wah year we inna now ?????
So the wife was f**ing the bunnaman during the marriage, since the wife/husband have been married for 14-years. Thea/Shereece (THE WIFE) you are now free to stop the hide and f**k now….wait, yuh weren’t hiding all these years.
FYI, you do not have to be with a woman to breed her…do you get it? You know how many babies look like other men apart from the father? That is why they have paternity (DNA) test, not look-like test. 😀
Di gal heartless Yu f**k,Di last baby a fi Di bunna manooooooooooooDi man treat har like queen an she f**k pon him right left and center,wicked bitch karma evil gal Yu an Yu muma
Thats all a lie,di person who write this,is putting other people life at risk,they need to remove this post,are they gonna be consequences,that defamation of character accusations
But i would like to know why after 14 yrs she would jus kill the man something fishy right here why it could be that she is the only suspect why it couldn’t be that this is also coming from elsewhere sometimes we have to be real careful wat we say if you don’t have prove but then again this is a mix up site so maybe this is all rumour
I totally agree with you. But you see Jamaicans go off hear say and mix up. How could she kill her husband she just had a baby with 3 months before. And rob her child of ever knowing her father. People are vindictive and stupid and will point fingers on anyone. If she wanted to really set the man up she wouldnt risk her life as well. Because she also got shot so it doesnt make sense
NEEDLE EYE him look like gully fi true 8 policies.. ? a him kill him rass self
THEAAAAA we jus had a man kill him wife lef 2 kids u no read bout simone collymore..trust no one after dark,, she in the car an dem lef her? mi cant swear fi miselffffffff
If he caught her cheating then that’s reason 4 her to kill him worse if the child she just had is the “bunnaman” own. He probably was planning to leave her & she literally couldn’t afford that. Nothing new under the sun anyway.
This gal giving the man problems from day one
All u people who comment don’t have a f**king clue what really happen. All this is, is nothing but speculation.
The truth would come out after the investigation is complete.
First n foremost nothing was left to her after he died. The house went to the husband mother.
Any insurance policy that might exist went to his mom.
She has nothing left to her.
She moved out if the house because it’s not hers n e more.
So if she has nothing to gain why would she kill him just to b with a man she hasn’t dated in many many years?
Many, many, years as in 1, 5, 10, 15+? Or she was dating him while married to the husband? Is this the wife? Micheal >>> Michael?
Di bitch bitch and prezzi rass de still ,bout no get nothing move you nasty rass,Di gal mad tru Di man fed up and naw look pon har kmt,Di gal a GERMS from morning,she f**k both gal and man,Di gal pussy miserable
Get y’all f**kin facts straight n get off the bandwagon. Leave our family alone n let the man f**king rest in peace. Sick a unnu now.
Never know we had so many new detectives on the case. Mi a beg unnu leave my brother’s family the f**k alone cuz none of us know the truth n this shit ain’t helping. Hop off the f**king bandwagon n get yuh f**king facts right..
Stop pretending you are the sister (or family member) of the decease. You are the wife and the heat is getting to your rass.
It’s funny how life is many of you here knows nothing of a situation and is out here bashing this lady… why would he have continued the relationship if he caught her with a man secondly why would she risk her life take two shots at her gate where her kids were in the the house? Do y’all know that this what this page is doing is illegal I wish I knew her so I could tell her to get legal help the poor lady and her kids life could now be at risk for stupid speculations I hope the real judge in all the the almighty God comes through for her and her kids and I hope the poor kids won’t have to see these heartless stupidity…. let The police do there work this is not safe be careful!!!!
People comment the worst way about a situation that thay have no evidence about,be careful of what you write on here ,the owner for this page need to remove this post asap,they may be putting other people life at risk,you can certainly tell that these fakers making up the story,not even in america u have one person with 8 insurance policy, so please stop the bull shit ,people notice the person them that commenting the negative sound like them a try set up some one ,that is very obvious, and that is not cool ,so please desist from comment fake
How can insurance go to just use mom when she is wife all who talking shit just as bad as she is the gal a wicked