A 22-year-old married woman sold her body for $3 to a 29-year-old neighbour in Mapondera village 2 Chiweshe in Mashonaland Central province.

According to chief Makope, Shadreck Chindori (29) pleaded guilty to an adulterous affair with Simon Chasowa’s (17) wife Cynthia Mako (22)

Chasowa told the village court that on Tuesday the 8th of November he saw Chindori waving a signal to his wife before dropping US$3 on the ground which she latter picked.

The young man confronted his older wife before slapping her hard in the face and she admitted to having dished sex goodies to Chindori in the morning at their seedbed but had promised to pay latter.

Chindori pleaded guilty to the charge and was ordered to pay a beast by Chief Makope but he begged for mercy lamenting that he could pay the fine in form of goats and was latter slapped with four goats fine.

Meanwhile, cases of infidelity are on the increase due to economic hardships hence people are now selling their bodies so as to put food on the table.

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