A woman in Baobab township in Hwange was buried in the absence of her children after they boycotted the funeral citing she never showed them love when she was alive.
Everest Mukuli’s four children refused to attend the burial.
She died on March 5 and mourners had to bury.
“Mukuli died on 5 March after a short illness. As the orm, friends, relatives gathered but none of her children turned up and mourners gathered for a week expecting them to come.
“They never turned up and their uncle had to phone them asking for a way forward and that is when they said she should be buried in their absence” said one relative.
“They openly declared that they were not moved by her death as she dumped them when they were young and therefore had a painful upbringing,”.
Mukuli’s brother Jersey confirmed the incident.
“We buried her in the absence of her children because they refused to attend.
” It is really sad and whatever reasons they had, I do not think my dead sister’s spirit will ever forgive them for their actions”.

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