
Choma district education board secretary Patrick Malama claims that the pupil dropped out of school before he fell in love with the mistress.

Sources at Pangwe Basic School, located in the outskirts of Choma district, as well as those at the district education office disclosed that the pupil, identified only as Clement, was expected to sit his grade nine examinations last year, but failed because of his relationship with the 22-year-old teacher.

“This schoolboy has now moved to Ms Bwalya (the teacher’s) house and they have a son now, but to our surprise the education authorities in the district have not acted over this matter despite it being shameful to the integrity of the teaching fraternity,” the sources said. “As much as anybody is free to choose their partner, we feel this one is somehow tricky especially that it involved someone who is [was] a pupil.”

The sources said the teacher got attracted to the pupil because of his exceptional football talent.

“It seems the teacher was attracted to the boy because he is good at football, but female teachers at this school have not lived to their high moral expectation regarding their standing in society. Some of them have been married to villagers in polygamous arrangements and the wives of these men in the villages are complaining,” the sources said.

“So it’s not only that schoolboy issue, there is need for the education authorities to move in quickly to address the situation because we know that they are aware of it. They are sitting on these issues.”

When contacted, Malama hesitated to comment, saying he had only recently been transferred to Choma and needed to settle down to understand the matter.

But when pressed further, Malama said he had made a brief inquiry and was told that the pupil dropped out of school four years ago.

“What I have been told is that the boy dropped out of school four years ago and after staying in the village, that is when he fell in love with the teacher,” said Malama.


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