She is a spirit, donated two of our kids to her spiritual group —Man

spiritualHusband: “My lord, my life is ruined as a result of my marriage to my wife. She has the spirit of emere and belongs to a spiritual group. She donated our first pregnancy and also our first child to this group and would have succeeded with our second child but for God. She also cost me my job when she brought the police to arrest me in the office. I now live from hand to mouth.”

“He took me to his parents when I was pregnant and abandoned me there. He then went into a relationship with another woman who moved in with him. Our neighbours consistently gave me update on his new relationship. The day I returned home, he tied my hands and ordered his lover to beat me to a pulp not minding that I was backing our new born baby.”

These were part of the testimonies given by a couple, Seun Olorunsola and Esther Olorunsola before Oja Oba/Mapo Court C Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State.

Seun, who brought a divorce suit before the court against his wife, alleged that she was not domesticated. He added that she had a familiar spirit and belonged to a spiritual group. He thus prayed the court to separate them.

“I started having problem with our marriage from the outset because my mother in-law was not in support of it. According to my wife, her mother wanted her to marry another man who is based abroad but who she didn’t love.

“After we got married, I realised she was not domesticated. She lacked the necessary skills every woman was expected to posses to run the home successfully.

“My lord, in addition to this was my discovering that she has a familiar spirit and belongs to a spiritual group.

“I didn’t know the import of this until she started donating our children to her group. She donated her first pregnancy and our first child. She lost her first pregnancy in a mysterious way and so was our first child.

“I sought the counsel of an elderly colleague at the office and it was through him I got the revelation that my wife was not an ordinary human being, “the plaintiff stated.

“My lord, when she took in the third time and she was seven months pregnant, we both agreed she moved to my parents’ place. They gave her a warm reception but she failed to get along with them. She fought my parents and siblings and was in the habit of raining curses on them.

“I told her after she put to bed I was no more interested in our marriage. She came to arrest me with the police at my work which led to my being sacked, “he said.

“He’s a liar. I didn’t lose any pregnancy or donate our children to any spiritual group, “Esther told the court.

“It’s true I had familiar spirit but I was delivered of it after my mum took me to a church.

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“Our first child died as a result of the wrong injection he was given while being treated for jaundice shortly after birth.

“He asked me to move to his parents’ house few months before I put to bed but I was maltreated there. I received no care or attention. He abandoned me and never deemed it fit to call to ask after my health or check on me. I was the one calling him. It was my mum and aunt who came to my rescue by sending me money throughout the time I was with them.

“Shortly after I put to bed, our neighbours called to inform me that my husband had brought in another woman into our home. I reported him to my mum who advised me not to over react.

“I also told his parents but they didn’t show any displeasure about it.

“I told him I was coming home but he insisted I stayed longer with his family. I returned home against his wish and met him and his lover in our room. I asked her for her mission in our room and we fought. My husband tied my hands together and asked his lover to beat me to a pulp.

“He then asked me to leave his house and pack my belongings to my mum’s place,” she concluded.

Ruling after listening to both parties, the court president, Chief Ademola Odunade stated it was obvious there was no more love between them.

He dissolved their union and granted custody of their four-month-old baby to the defendant.

The plaintiff was ordered to pay N5, 000 monthly through the court as their child’s feeding allowance. He was, in addition, requested to be responsible for his education and health care at all times.

Seun was also mandated to pay the sum of N12, 000 to the defendant as one year rent for a new accommodation being a nursing mother.


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