She’s troublesome, bit me on the breast —Man tells Court

court, wife, husbandOja Oba/Mapo Court C Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, has dissolved the union between a man, Segun Olowe and his wife, Toyin Olowe.

The court president, Chief Ademola Odunade, after he had listened to the evidence given by both parties observed that there was no more love between them.

He stated that the couple in their evidence displayed some degree of violence and that the most appropriate thing for the court to do was to dissolve their marriage so that peace would reign.

Odunade thus dissolved their union and granted custody of their only child who is a year old to the defendant.

He ordered the plaintiff to be responsible for their child’s welfare and give N4, 000 per month as her feeding allowance.

He was also asked to give the defendant N3, 000 to pack her belongings from his home and another N12, 000 as one year rent for a new accommodation.

Segun had sought for the dissolution of their marriage on the accounts that his wife was troublesome and disobedient. He added that she was in the habit of trailing him around and fighting him.

He further prayed the court to grant him custody of their one year old child in order to give her adequate attention and care.

Toyin neither agreed to the claim against her nor the plea of the plaintiff to be granted custody of their only child.

The plaintiff while giving his evidence stated thus:

“My lord, I lost my peace and rest the day I got married to my wife. We have been married for two years, but these years have been that of hell.

“I have never met someone as troublesome as my wife. She delights in causing trouble in the house.

“She complains and nags about everything. If she’s not complaining about the feeding allowance I give her, then she’s nagging that I have not been taking care of her like her friend’s husband does.

“She’s in the habit of comparing me with other men which I find offensive.

“She often curses me and uses unprintable words at me.

“We fight almost every day and when we do, she ensures she tears my clothes into shreds and leaves marks on me with the aid of her fingernails.

“She accuses me of dating other women. She’s also in the habit of trailing me about. I believe only a woman out of her wits will do this.

“The last time we fought, which was few days ago, she bit my breast.

“I left home after this and I’m not ready to come back until she packs her belongings out of my house.”

“He’s a drunk, “Toyin told the court. He doesn’t give me feeding allowance, but can drink 10 barrels of beer in a day. He returns home drunk every night and turns the house upside down.

“He vomits all over the place and leaves me to clean up the mess. When I complain about his shameful act, he gets angry and beats me mercilessly.

“He left me to starve throughout the period I was pregnant and refused to give me money to seek for medical attention.

“He once beat me during this period and I passed out blood. I was asked to go for a scan but he refused to give me money for it.

“After a thorough examination was carried out on me at the hospital, it was discovered I was pregnant with twins, but I lost one of them when I passed out blood as a result of his beating.

“He felt unconcerned throughout the period I was in labour. It was my parents who took me to the hospital and a cesarean operation was carried out on me. They also paid for the operation. All my husband contributed during this period was N20, 000 which was meant for blood transfusion.

“Our relationship did not improve after this. Any time we fight, I’m always the one who initiates reconciliation.

“The last time we fought, I knelt down and begged him. He pushed me away, went into the sitting room where I laid the baby on a mat and stood on her. I screamed and pushed him away. The baby had started crying by then.

“He rushed into the kitchen, picked a hoe and aimed it at my head, but I dodged it. He jumped at me and started boxing me. Seeing that my life was in danger, I bit him and ran out of the house with our baby.”

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