
A BULAWAYO prophet was scalded at a funeral by a man who blamed him for his son’s fatal assault during a prayer session to force him to confess during a prophetic session.

The prophet, Macloud Banda, 27, of Nkulumane suburb, attended Tariro Ngwenya’s funeral in Entumbane suburb, but ended up being hospitalised after Pirai Ngwenya blamed him for his son’s death and scalded him.

Tariro is alleged to have been beaten up during a church service in Gwanda after Banda’s “prophecy” and later died due to the injuries he sustained in the attack.

When Ngwenya saw Banda at his son’s funeral on Tuesday, he lost his marbles and poured hot water on him. He appeared before provincial magistrate Willard Maphios Moyo facing an attempted murder charge.

He was not asked to plead and was remanded out of custody on $300 bail.

Prosecuting, Mufaro Mageza told the court that on Tuesday last week at around 2PM, Banda went to Ngwenya’s home for a funeral. “Banda had gone to mourn the death of his friend Tariro who had died while at a church service on Sunday last week after a short illness. Tariro was forced to confess to a certain prophecy and was beaten up in the process during the church service,” said Mageza.

He said when Banda arrived at the funeral, Ngwenya charged at him accusing him of having caused his son’s death. The court heard that Ngwenya took a bucket with hot water and poured it all over Banda’s body.

He was immediately ferried to Mpilo Central Hospital where he is still admitted.

Yesterday, acting provincial police spokesperson for Matabeleland South, Sergeant Thabani Mkhwanazi could not immediately comment on Tariro’s alleged assault and subsequent death.

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