A MAN from Silobela man waylaid a 19-year-old woman and allegedly raped her at knifepoint in the presence of her sibling before force- marching her to his parents’ homestead where he introduced her as his new bride.
Edson Dube, 25, of Mbenge Village under Chief Malisa Silobela, was given a room to sleep in with his “new bride” by his father.
Gweru Regional Magistrate Morgan Nemadire heard how Dube raped the teen overnight in the room.
Dube – a father of three – pleaded guilty to rape and was sentenced to 18 years in prison.
He will, however, serve an effective 15 years in prison after Nemadire suspended three years on condition of good behaviour.
In passing sentence, Nemadire said: “There is an increase in the number of rape cases hence a lengthy custodial sentence will send a warning to society against such acts.”
The prosecutor, Andrew Marimo, said introducing the complainant as his bride to his father was in contradiction to the traditional and proper way of eloping with a bride.
He said rape cases involving perpetrators armed with knives were on the increase and implored the court to mete out deterrent sentences to such criminals.
“Such cases are on the increase and the honourable court should impose stiffer penalties to deter would be offenders,” Marimo said.
The court heard that on May 8, 2013 around 4PM, Dube waylaid the teenage girl who was on her way back home from Linda shopping Centre.
Marimo said the girl was with her sister.
He said Dube drew a knife and threatened to kill the victim before dragging her by the hand into the bush where he raped her once.
“After raping the complainant, Dube force marched her to his father’s homestead where he introduced her to his father as his wife,” said Marimo.
He said the woman fled from the room while Dube was fast asleep and rushed home to her parents who were looking for her.
The matter was reported to the police leading to Dube’s arrest.

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