
FAILURE to withstand the pain caused in their marriage by a fellow villager forced a Mutare couple to approach the courts praying for protection against her.

Manica Post reported that Godfrey Mukandi and Ronia Mutepfa appeared before Mutare magistrate, Yeukai Chigodora last week praying for protection against Janet Mutakure who uses his political influence to harass them.

Mukandi who was first applicant said: “Your Worship, I can’t name the political party for the purposes of her privacy. Mutakure threatens to burn my house for no reason. She even tells everyone in our community that I was given a love portion by my wife since I always accompany her everywhere she goes.

“Even if I was given a love portion I don’t know why she is bothered by it since she is not my relative. I am allowed to love my wife unconditionally because I married her. This woman is a thorn in our flesh because she went a step further and stripped my wife naked in public. Surely how on earth could she humiliate and dishonour my wife in public, yet she never wronged her. It is high time the court protects us.”

Mutepfa added that Mutakure always blocked her way whenever she comes across her, accusing her of being a witch who gave her husband love portions.

Mutepfa said: “Last week, Mutakure together with her 25-year-old daughter abused me physically when she stripped me naked and I was left with a pant only in Garikayi Phase 2. I have scars on my neck as a result of her assault. She tied my hands on the back and rubbed mud on my face. I never bewitched my lovely husband, but I don’t know why she is continuously harassing me.”

Mutakure, however, disputed ever stripping Mutepfa naked or acting in any violent way. She told the court that the couple was the one disturbing her peace.

“This couple assaulted me and they were fined by the police. Last week I came to this court praying for protection. I consent to the order because I got mine last week.

“This woman is a well known thief who stole people’s maize and yams in their fields. When I caught her red-handed in my field, I confronted her, but she never apologised. She shouted at me. I did nothing about it because I forgive her since I am a Christian who is not involved into any politics,” said Mukature.

Mutepfa and Mukandi denied stealing from anyone and told the court that they were a hardworking couple.

Chigodora granted the peace order in favour of Mutepfa and Mukandi.

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