My Husband Sneaks Out Of The House To Dodge His Responsibilities, Returns Home Drunk’

A Mapo Customary Court in Ibadan, Oyo State, recently dissolved a 13- year-old marriage between one Sina Kabiru and his wife, Alima, on grounds of waning love and irreconcilable differences.

Chief Ademola Odunade, the President of the court, dissolved their marriage and directed the estranged parties to go their separate ways.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), the court granted custody of the two children produced by the union to the petitioner, Alima, and directed that the respondent and father of the children pay N10,000 monthly allowance for their upkeep.

Alima had told the court to dissolve their marriage because she was fed up with their loveless relationship.

According to the petitioner, her husband usually sneaks out of the house so as to avoid his responsibilities and comes back very late at night often drunk.

Alima said that her love for the respondent had waned due to his uncaring attitude towards her and their children.

She said that her husband was never there for her in times of need.

“Sina has never been there for our children. He had always shirked his responsibilities anytime his attention was needed, especially in the area of feeding and clothing.

“He would sneak out of the house very early in the morning, and would not come back until late in the night.

“Sina usually came home drunk and would beat me mercilessly.

“He in addition brought different women to our matrimonial home,” Alima said.

The petitioner further stated that she moved out of her husband’s home five years ago due to their loveless relationship.

According to the petitioner, the respondent forcefully took their two children from her custody two years ago.

The defendant, however, denied most of the allegations leveled against him while justifying some of his actions.

Sina informed the court that his wife never cared for him and their children since she went into politics.

“Alima often abandoned the children while attending political meetings and rallies.

“Despite her bad attitude, I still sent her money to take of our children before I took them away from her,” Sina said.

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