Jemilat Abdul-Rahman has told Ile Tuntun Customary Court, Mapo, Ibadan, Oyo State, that she is no more interested in the union with her husband, Oladele Abdul-Rahman, and thus prayed the court to terminate their relationship.

She also pleaded with the court to grant her custody of their four children.

Jemilat further prayed the court to order him not to come to her house or shop to harass or fight her after her plea of divorce was granted.

Jemilat who had been married to her husband for 13 years alleged that he maltreated her and destroyed her property when he took a new wife.

“The peace in our home was eroded from the moment my husband decided to take a second wife. He added to the crisis in the home when he took back his first wife who had left him for years.

“His second wife and I started having misunderstanding from the moment she moved in and this always end in a fight. My husband was in the habit of taking sides with his new wife which didn’t go down well with me.

“The last time we fought, he sent me out of his house and refused that I take any of my belongings with me.

“Our family members mediated in our matter and it was resolved. He agreed that I moved back home and I did. Not too long after this, he took yet another wife and asked me to move out of his room into another. I was furious and vehemently disagreed with him on this decision.

“This led to another fight. He burnt all my clothes and that of our children and dragged me to my aunt’s house.

“Two of our children were with him and the other two with my mum. The two who were with him came to my family house and refused to go back to him. He brought thugs there who molested my parents. They thus handed over the children to him.

“These children again ran to me after a while and refused to go back to him. My husband brought thugs and policemen to my place to threaten me.

“I have therefore come to court to put an end to his harassment, “the plaintiff stated.

Oladele while speaking declared that he was also fed up with their marriage because his wife was fetish.

‘There was never a time I sent her out of my house. She left because her conscience was bothering her.

“I caught her with a charm which she said was given to her by her mum. When I enquired from her mum on why she gave her the charm, she said there was nothing new in what she had done. She repeated this before our family members when I reported the matter to them and she was rebuked.

“I know the charm was meant to hurt my new wives. She packed her belongings from my home on her own volition, “the defendant said.

The court president, Chief Olasunkanmi Agbaje, after the duo had given their testimonies stated that more evidence would be needed.

He, therefore, adjourned the case till October 30 and ordered both parties to come to court with their children and parents.


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