Woman keeps penis in bedroom
IN an incident that has left Gokwe villagers’ tongues wagging, a 53-year-old woman was found with a male sexual organ which she was using as a charm to centrally lock her polygamous husband from engaging in sex with his younger wife.
There was drama at Chief Nemangwe’s traditional court when the woman, Cecilia Mbano was allegedly found with a male sexual organ which she claimed she was using to lock her husband so that his manhood would not erect each time he attempted to engage in sex with his younger wife, Chipo Moyo.
It is understood that Mbano allegedly forced Moyo to marry her husband Albert Taurwa in an attempt to stop him from marrying her younger sister after he proposed love to her and approached their parents intending to pay the bride price. Mbano then approached Moyo so that she could be her husband’s second wife as she could not stomach sharing a husband with her sibling.
Narrating her ordeal to Chief Nemangwe, Moyo said she started having problems with her husband Taurwa when he started denying her conjugal rights and he went on to urinate on her private parts as punishment for demanding sex from him.
“I then approached my parents after my husband urinated on my private parts as a way of punishing me for asking him to have sex with him. I then approached a traditional healer for assistance because each time we attempted to engage in sex his manhood would become powerless,” she said.
It was during the cleansing ceremony that a tsikamutanda (witch-hunter) discovered a male sexual organ tied with a red string in Mbano’s bedroom hut. Mbano allegedly confessed to using the male sexual organ for centrally locking her husband so that he would not have sex with the second wife. She also claimed that she got the juju from a self-proclaimed traditional healer from Simuchembo area in Gokwe, identified as Sekuru Mapitipiti.
Mbano left villagers at Chief Nemangwe’s traditional court tongue-tied when she produced the male genitalia as evidence.
Chief Nemangwe confirmed that the matter was heard before his court.
“I can confirm that I heard that matter in my court. I have summoned Sekuru Mapitipiti to appear in my court on Sunday (today),” he said.

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