Ever before you were born God had already predestined you. He already knows your future. He knows you better than you know yourself because He is your creator. You are a very good thing. There is absolutely no one that can be compared with you. You are unique and an original. You are God’s best.

JESUSYou have listened enough to the lies of the devil calling you a failure and that you are a no good for nothing person. The devil may have deceived you and brought you to the place where you have lost confidence in yourself but enough is enough. You are better than who you are right now. In Christ, you are on your way to great victory.

Don’t just sit there and conclude that where you are now is your best. You have not gotten to your end and you have concluded. It is a lie. There is more to you. You can still arise. You can still take many more glorious steps. The four lepers did and possessed the land. Your business and career can and will arise and shine. There is great victory ahead of you. The present challenges cannot conquer you. You are more than conqueror. You are a victor and not a victim of circumstances.

Stop hiding under the pretence that you are from a poor family and so your life cannot amount to anything. This is not true. Your family background is not what control your destiny. You can rise above the limitations in your family. Many have broken family barriers before and so can you. Gideon in judges 6, told God’s angel that his family was poor and that he was the smallest in his family. He was literary looking at his circumstances as superior to what God has said about him.

Here God said to him that he was a mighty man of valour but he was arguing with God. Is he like someone reading this sermon? God said “with His stripes you were healed” but because you are still feeling some symptoms you doubt God’s word. The truth of the matter is that God is not going to change His word. He said He cannot alter His words. You have the responsibility to receive and act upon God’s words.

The angel of the Lord never argued with Gideon. He just told Gideon to go in this his might. When Gideon walked in the word of God, he manifested victory that he thought was never possible. You can also manifest victory in every area of your life. God’s word carries enough power and life to make your life what it says.

Know that you are the head and not the tail. The first and not the last. Lender and never a borrower. You are an overcomer. Favour surrounds you like a shield. You are blessed going out, blessed in the city and blessed coming in. Blessed shall be the fruit of your body and you shall not suffer miscarriage. You shall not lack for your mate. Whatsoever your hand findeth to do shall prosper.

You are wonderfully and fearfully made. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar person. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You shall see your children‘s children. Your children are like arrows in the hand of a mighty man. Your children shall possess the gates of your enemies.

Your wife shall be as a fruitful vine and your children like olive plants round about thy table. The just man falleth seven times and riseth up again. You shall live and not die. With long life will the Lord satisfy you and show you His salvation. The number of your days He shall fulfill. You are like a tree planted by the rivers of waters that beareth fruit always. With your eyes shall you behold the reward of the wicked. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

A thousand on your left and ten thousand on your right yet not one shall come upon thee. Strangers shall feed your flocks build your walls. A people you do not know shall serve you. When they hear of you they shall send for you. the dread of you shall be upon your enemies. Kings shall be your nursing father and queens your nursing mothers. They shall lick the dust from off thy feet. Listen, you are who God says that you are. Once again, you are God’s best and can be all that God says you can be. God bless you.

Do you want to experience the reality of God in your life? Then you should receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour.

Pray this simple prayer. Father, I come to you as I am. I invite Jesus into my life to be my personal Lord and saviour. Wash me cleanse with the blood of Jesus and empower me with the power of your Holy Spirit. Thank you Father, for saving my soul and making me your child.

Your prayer request and praise reports will be welcomed. Our contact details are below.


  1. I am who God says I am, I am the head and not the tail, I am the lender and not the borrower, I am the righteousness of God, I am a cheerful giver, and not one of my kids shall sit on the side walk and beg bread, that is what God says to me, I believe it, and I declared it. I received it
    As I am the beloved of Jehovah! Amen.

  2. I really like today’s DEVOTION. Thanks Met.
    Bless the Lord, Oh my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless His Ho-ly Name.
    For He hath done great things,
    He Hath done great things,
    He hath done great things,
    Bless his ho-ly Name.

  3. You are wonderfully and fearfully made. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar person. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. You shall see your children‘s children. Your children are like arrows in the hand of a mighty man. Your children shall possess the gates of your enemies – See more at:

    Amen and Amen

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