You Will be Rescued

The Lord says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them. I will satisfy them with long life and give them my salvation. Psalm 91:14 – 16

The enemy derives strength from confusing us and trying to make us feel and believe that God abandons us when we are in trouble. In fact what makes those moment very miserable and tough is not the trouble itself but the mindset that we are all by ourselves weathering the storm. The enemy will bombard your mind with lies and misrepresentations of truths in a very cunning and convincing manner; but you need to pause and think for a moment: is it possible that the God who sent His son to ransom you long before you knew and recognized Him as God would now abandon you at this point in time when you are learning to love Him back?

God’s love for His children is unconditional. He swore through the prophets that He is better than the mother who will never abandon her baby because even though some may, He never will abandon us.

Let the fact that you love God and want to study and know Him more through His word comfort and strengthen you in times of trouble because long before Jesus came to die for you, God promised to rescue you. Your rescue is a done deal; it doesn’t have to be negotiated. No matter how bad your situation is, God is willing and able to rescue you. I declare to you today: you’re rescued in Jesus mighty name!”

Liberation thought: You are the apple of God’s eye

Further reading: Isaiah 43:1 – 4


Let every negative situation and circumstance in my life be a lie and let God be true, in Jesus name.
Holy Ghost fire, consume every work of darkness in my life in Jesus name.


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