Gm, plz post. For the men, I just want to know, what is so wrong with eating 🐈? Isn’t it two concenting alduts engaging in sexual activities, pleasing one another? Why should a female go down on you, but you dont want to return the favor? All this does is show the mysoginistic and patriarchal egos a lot of you have. The power dynamics. To stroke your egos to say “I got head from that girl”, to feel like “the man”. I am a male and I feel so sorry for some of you, you do anything to please your male friends but not pleasing your women, sounds very much GAY to me. And for the guys who doing it & hide it, it must be exhausting living a double life. But it all goes back to the point of trying to fit in with friends and please them, instead of your woman. Again, SUS! For a country that prides itself as being homophobic, these so called men do anything to get approval, acceptance, praise and attention from other men. My point here is, pleasure is pleasure, go down on ya Lady & stfu!!!! 🙄–
Bro listen sometime u affi jus do wa mek u happy bro g caw it is a norm overseas but not local
Eat up an belch yah man. Mi an wifey love it suh mi nah mek nuh stereotype stop mi from enjoying the good fruit.
Talk truth