But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name,John.(Luke 1:13)
In this month of divine abundance, God is moving supernaturally to touch every area of your life. You may have been down for so many years with a certain affliction that you have probably given up on God because you think He has forgotten about you or He doesn’t seem to realise that you are faced with a problem that you cannot overcome or manage by yourself. And because you are doing the best you can to be a good and an exemplary Christian who is thankful for the other areas of your life where God has blessed you, you have politely given up your dream.
That was the case of Abraham and Sarah who had passed menopause. Abraham politely asked God to appoint Ishmael his heir because naturally speaking, there was no way Sarah and himself could have children. But God remained steadfast in His promise to Abraham and at the appointed time, a child of promise born by Sarah was to be his heir. Sarah even laughed in disbelieve when God spoke again of the promise when he appeared to him at the planes of Mamre. But in due time Isaac was born.
Abraham and Sarah got away with questioning God concerning His promise but Zechariah was not so lucky when he questioned the angel God sent to inform him of the birth of John. He was struck with dumbness until what God promised came to pass. This month God will do whatever it takes to fulfill His promises concerning you. Don’t ask questions. Don’t even try to rationalise the possibility of it happening because natural circumstances do not support the possibility.
I prophesy to those who have been called barren; it doesn’t matter if you have already menopause; keep believing God for the fruit of the womb. With God all things are possible.
Liberation thought: God is able to do just what he says he will do.
Further reading: Genesis 18:1 – 16
Every negative situation and circumstance in my life be a lie and let God be true in my life, in the name of Jesus!
I come against every wicked spirit that is prolonging the yoke of affliction in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Father, thank you because I receive every blessing that you have promised me, in the name of Jesus
Amen!! Good Morning Met big up yuhself always.
Thank you father, I remember that you are Jahoviah, the mighty man of Velour and the Conquring Lion of Judah. So, I am certain that my needs are provided for, and that all my enemies are always destroyed. Thank you for being my God and being concerned with all that concerns me.