The Half Way Tree police have launched a major investigation into a case of robbery involving 15 people, 13 of whom were Chinese nationals.

Reports are that the men were at a meeting on Paddington Terrace, Kingston 6 on Tuesday, when five armed men entered the premises about 9:00 pm and robbed them of their valuables.

The items taken include 21 cellular phones valued more than $1.1 million, seven laptops valuing $483,750 in addition to cash amounting to US$5,400, J$177,700 and CNY$5,180.

Anyone with information that can assist the police with this investigation is being asked to contact police 119 emergency number or the nearest police station.


  1. I don’t understand why people think everything that happens in Jamaica must be associated with “inside link”/”inside job”. At any point in time, you are under constant surveillance in Jamaica. People are watching your every move and these Chinese could have been observed meeting at this premises on a regular basis and these opportunists chose to pounced at that time.

    I was almost robbed (in the New Kingston area) by a group of men who appeared out of nowhere, when I went to a venue that was closed at the time. They were not visible to me or the person I was with when we entered the grounds, seem to appeared out of thin air and was upon us with seconds. Luckily, we did not exit the vehicle and quick thinking got us out of that situation and I was able to drive off without being robbed/attacked by these group of thugs.

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