Two passengers on a Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) bus sustained minor injuries on Thursday night after the vehicle was stoned along Washington Boulevard in St. Andrew.

The incident occurred in the vicinity of Marverley between 7:30 and 8 o’clock.

Fragments from shattered glass went into the eyes of the passengers.

Radcliffe Lewis, Manager of Franchise Protection, Inspection and Security at the JUTC, said a similar incident occurred on Wednesday night when two buses were damaged on Washington Boulevard.

No one was injured in that incident.

Mr. Lewis said only one person has been arrested following the attacks on the company’s buses.

He was held three weeks ago and is now before the court on a charge of malicious destruction.

In the meantime, Mr. Lewis said the situation has added to the challenge the JUTC has been facing since Thursday due to the inclement weather.

Plyboards which have been used as a temporary fix for the shattered windows have not be able to endure the persistent rains resulting in severe leaking.

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