Mi just want ask di gal dem in a all a New York is which one a unnu man really a f**k dis gal yah???? Is how him worthless so? Y’all need to find out and caught his ass on fire cause he not worth a thing if he sleeping with this monkey! I always see her on live talking about f**ng ppl man and talk about it so proud! Girl u need to sit your ass down cause really and truly I don’t believe u! I refuse to believe that any man in there rite mine would Eva sleep with u, you try to be funny and gwan like u can cuss but really u can’t a pure foolishness u talk and sey a cuss u a cuss! It don’t fit u! I watch u on lava all the time and jus see someone that just want to be seen!! U look lonely and miserable so u take social media for it, and because u want the attention u cuss ur own self how ugly u are and how much ppl man love f**k u! Ur vagina might be good, I don’t know but I seriously don’t think u are sleeping with a soul!! I jus saw u put up a video saying a nuh u alone ugly and gal ugly like the gun shot dem that fire down a Tivoli, now how is that funny? A pure foolishness u talk and u annoying bad! U are a mother of big children and all u do is come on live everyday and put down urself about how ugly u are and how much ppl man love f**k u! I even heard u said u don’t care how much other girls the ppl dem man have, u only want know u get ur f**k when u is ready, girl!!!!! U sad like funeral bad!! Lonely and ugly!!!! U need fi just gwan mek your things them and do ur decorating and stop putting dung urself like that! U even brag about sucking d*cks, girl I jus can’t with u, u need to love your self and being a mother to ur kids cause it don’t look good!

Soyini look like a damn crack head!
No not a crack head A CRACK BLOODCLAAT HEAD!!!!!!
What is it to u senda? This sounds personal.
Nooo sah this sound personal so what she can talk whatever she want Dafuck leave soyini alone maybe u man a look pun her to so stfh & keep on moving why what she doing a boretherd you so much keep u comment to u self b***h plus u watch her so mi guess something a hurt u