A group of 32 police officers is suing the Commissioner of Police, Dr. Carl Williams, and the Attorney General.

The disgruntled police officers are all part of the JCF’S High Potential Detective Training Programme, which began in February 2013.

The programme was supposed to last for 18 months, following which the successful participants would be promoted to the rank of Inspector.

But just before their graduation in September 2014, they say they were notified that the programme was being extended for another six months because the assessment was flawed.

That extension ended in April 2015, but the participants say they still have not received finality as to when the course will end, nor have they been promoted.

This, despite the fact that they all passed all five courses with the required pass mark of 60-percent or above.

The police officers filed an application for judicial review this week.

They want the court to declare that their rights have been breached.

They also want the court to compel the Police Commissioner to promote them to the rank of Inspector, and award damages for all the remuneration, allowances and benefits that would have been due since September 2014, when the programme was initially supposed to end.

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