Gm pinkie Hmid so I saw a post about a girl who cooked food for her ex while he had a full convo with his woman on the phone , smh I’ve been there so i won’t bash u or say anything … so I was living with my ex I loved him so much he is a good person i mean his personality is amazing so I fell madly in love with him , while were together everyday he came home from working telling me how much him love him etc … one night him left him phone open I’m not type to search phone besides this nigga gave me no reason to feel insecure… so I went ahead and search his phone saw msg from this girl etc I was so upset that I attack him I cried so hard cause me never expect none of it while we were arguing the girl call and that boy stand up infront me had full conversation with his girlfriend infront while i was on the bed crying i can’t forget that made me feel so humiliated and low first me ever feel so inna me life tpc… me seh me hurt so till it’s not the breakup that hurts it’s the
Humiliation i endured after all of that I went into the kitchen and made food which i did give to him… it’s not like i wasn’t angry but it’s the love i had for me now sender let me tell u something I was hella depressed because about 3-4 days after me move out the girl move instantly he told the girl all sort of things about me bare in mind we were living together and i trusted him because to me he was my best friend I was dead ass wrong he told the girl that i wasn’t helping him etc … I was upset cause during our relationship I ask that nigga for nothing I wasn’t perfect but to me loyalty is everything regardless if u don’t love me anymore don’t go outside our relationship and talk about me … all of that put me in a state of depression i was depressed for over 1 year until 1 day I was looking through some pics of myself and i realized that i need to let go of the hurt and the bitterness i had inside me cause while I’m being depressed this nigga and his girl was out there living
Their best life while I was depressed sender this is for you get up shake off you self and move on it done happen already and it might seems like he is winning now but your day is gonna come when u gonna be shining them affi go wonder how u a glow so … let that girl keep him cause there is no way a real bbc man gonna put u through that it may not be today or anytime soon but that girl is gonna feel the pain he put you through as well trust me I’m not wishing nothing bad on no one and even when my friends say them relationship nah last me tell them not to say that me just humble and wull me own