A once positive way of getting help has turned into mockery, Bish go get a job!!! Just had a baby, WHAT happened to the Baby Father or does he just give babies. Never have I seen so many wukliss women in one day…….who has babies first before looking education or career, y’all got sh*T twisted maaaaaayne!!!
This made me chuckle, I had no idea that people doing this, LOL. I wish I would give one a you careless gal me hard working money, Bout “Fund Me” Lady why don’t you go look a job like everybody else and send your self go school? Waite, DID YOU GET AN ACCEPTANCE LETTER FROM FIT? KMT. Waste of space.
@quanta I don’t think it matter which way u do it, as long as u do it and is not go fund me pay fa. While u no support pple bar a night time u Eva add up all the entrance fee fi the week. 5 nights at $10 and 2 night at $20. $90 a week. My girl beg $10 more put pon that a throw one $100 partner, look a job or something fi back it up. Take out a student loan like most. And GTFOH
@The Fabulost One……when you start at a and skip b and C but go to D, you run the risk of not having what you need to give a child all of what they deserve!! It is great to make the excuse I didn’t get it then but I got it, just in doing so you sacrificed either your time, money or both for that child. Make right choices from the start, children are not toys or accessories we are in 2015 where there are condoms, foam and plan B pills……Get yo’ life before you bring a child into your half assness!
Like I said it doesn’t matter which way you do it. Some people have/had no intentioms of furtherING their education, but alot of young girls wake up after having a child. Dont get me wrong, I had my degree at 22 and my child a few yrs later. On the other hand my partner who I share a business with had her child and then went to school. The Child Did NOT Stop HER. Most people don’t have the support that others have but do wake up after having a child. Because u want the best for that child and your don’t have to sacrifice a damn thing.
I had a child so I could get help with school. I am not a shame to say it either, and I don’t regret anything because in the end, my child brought a lot of blessings, gifts and happiness into my life. All I can say to young girls is wait until you have your career and your business together before you start having children. Also, get a baby with your own man, because if you are going to have a child with a man who lives with a next woman with multiple children, you are setting up yourself for a rough ride. I never have the right papers to get help with school when I just came here, but after I get it, I moved on it. If you have a green card look a job and take classes simultaneously. They will help single mothers, so someone like Jody can receive assistance with school and many more things. If dancehall is her only goal, then I can’t help her. I can’t put my mouth on anybody because I have a lot of help. My child gets a lot of things and gifts from a lot of people. If she likes fashion, she can look a job in a clothing store and start from there.
Quenna you on one today. I loike it. Yu A reeeed these bishes left right and center. Mi ago mek you duh yur ting caw yaw leead wid the words of wisdom :cool
She hab ah NERVE wid dis nonsense. Dis frog-mouth gyal tink seh people fool enough fi fall fi har trap??? Wid ah pitcho like dat di only advice mi hab fi har is “GOFUND YUHSELF” Guh wuk and tap beg and scam, cause people wid ambition nuh penny dem shegry deh…:travel
Why can’t they apprentice with a designer or label and get in that way through experience? Go try out for that reality show for young designers, caan memba di name of it.
Time to call Sallie
Them a tek this go fund me thing too far now
Yups….everybody and dem mumma have an account for some fooleru
Lmaoooo do she even have a green card kmt girl go sit Your rat looking ass down
At anonymous yes. That’s why she worthless. She néed fi go sell it to somebody weh will use it
A once positive way of getting help has turned into mockery, Bish go get a job!!! Just had a baby, WHAT happened to the Baby Father or does he just give babies. Never have I seen so many wukliss women in one day…….who has babies first before looking education or career, y’all got sh*T twisted maaaaaayne!!!
This made me chuckle, I had no idea that people doing this, LOL. I wish I would give one a you careless gal me hard working money, Bout “Fund Me” Lady why don’t you go look a job like everybody else and send your self go school? Waite, DID YOU GET AN ACCEPTANCE LETTER FROM FIT? KMT. Waste of space.
@quanta I don’t think it matter which way u do it, as long as u do it and is not go fund me pay fa. While u no support pple bar a night time u Eva add up all the entrance fee fi the week. 5 nights at $10 and 2 night at $20. $90 a week. My girl beg $10 more put pon that a throw one $100 partner, look a job or something fi back it up. Take out a student loan like most. And GTFOH
@The Fabulost One……when you start at a and skip b and C but go to D, you run the risk of not having what you need to give a child all of what they deserve!! It is great to make the excuse I didn’t get it then but I got it, just in doing so you sacrificed either your time, money or both for that child. Make right choices from the start, children are not toys or accessories we are in 2015 where there are condoms, foam and plan B pills……Get yo’ life before you bring a child into your half assness!
Like I said it doesn’t matter which way you do it. Some people have/had no intentioms of furtherING their education, but alot of young girls wake up after having a child. Dont get me wrong, I had my degree at 22 and my child a few yrs later. On the other hand my partner who I share a business with had her child and then went to school. The Child Did NOT Stop HER. Most people don’t have the support that others have but do wake up after having a child. Because u want the best for that child and your don’t have to sacrifice a damn thing.
I see where your coming from and respect it, it takes a child for some to find there purpose and worth. I get it.
I had a child so I could get help with school. I am not a shame to say it either, and I don’t regret anything because in the end, my child brought a lot of blessings, gifts and happiness into my life. All I can say to young girls is wait until you have your career and your business together before you start having children. Also, get a baby with your own man, because if you are going to have a child with a man who lives with a next woman with multiple children, you are setting up yourself for a rough ride. I never have the right papers to get help with school when I just came here, but after I get it, I moved on it. If you have a green card look a job and take classes simultaneously. They will help single mothers, so someone like Jody can receive assistance with school and many more things. If dancehall is her only goal, then I can’t help her. I can’t put my mouth on anybody because I have a lot of help. My child gets a lot of things and gifts from a lot of people. If she likes fashion, she can look a job in a clothing store and start from there.
Quenna you on one today. I loike it. Yu A reeeed these bishes left right and center. Mi ago mek you duh yur ting caw yaw leead wid the words of wisdom :cool
She acting like she not on welfare. They sent ppl to school.
She hab ah NERVE wid dis nonsense. Dis frog-mouth gyal tink seh people fool enough fi fall fi har trap??? Wid ah pitcho like dat di only advice mi hab fi har is “GOFUND YUHSELF” Guh wuk and tap beg and scam, cause people wid ambition nuh penny dem shegry deh…:travel
Why can’t they apprentice with a designer or label and get in that way through experience? Go try out for that reality show for young designers, caan memba di name of it.
this girl ya use to hype, sell all her body, she use to tek hood like how board house tek nail suprise she a ask for donation now