More than 1550 murdered so far this year

Latest data show that 1562 people have been murdered across the island up to Sunday. This is 270 more than the number recorded during the corresponding period last year.

The parish of St. James continues to be the leading police division for this grim crime statistic, with 317 murders since January 1.

One hundred and 66 cases of homicide were recorded in Clarendon during this period, followed by 153 in St Andrew South, and 141 in Westmoreland.

The country is still recording an average four murders daily.

Chamber of Commerce

In response to the latest statistics, the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce has declared that it cannot be business as usual for the country in tackling murders and other serious crimes in the country.

Laurence Watson, President of the Chamber, wants decisive action to bring the situation under control, telling RJR News that it’s time for the country to see the results of anti-crime strategies.

“The government’s got to put resources and good thinking together, because if we don’t get crime under control, we’re going to be in serious trouble; I think it’s going to really jeopardise the growth projection and the trajectory that Jamaica’s is on,” he warned.

The recent decision to consult with previous police commanders in St. James and other parts of western Jamaica was a good one, he said, noting that it was crucial to bring the situation in that part of the country under control.


  1. These dogs whoever doin thriving biz, everyman got a gun. shots blaze a brook ave nutten in the news. reprisal for the man killed at edith Dalton, ppl fraid fi talk

  2. Chupmunk K. HUDSON how many of these lives taken you ago own up to when the Creator tek you to task?

    Big pussc gal a florida, howtotaskof Jamaica’s dead you ago own up to when the Creator tek you to task?

    Every person responsible for sending weapons into Jamaica for illicit means…SHALL MEET THEIR END WITHOUT DIGNITY…ASE ( so say it, so shall it be) we tired a unu now!

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