When all the people began weeping aloud, and they cried all night. Their voices rose in a great chorus of complaint against Moses and Aaron. “We wish we had died in Egypt, or even here in the wilderness!” they wailed. “Why is the LORD taking us to this country only to have us die in battle? Our wives and little ones will be carried off as slaves! Let’s get out of here and return to Egypt!” Numbers 14:1 – 3

The journey through the wilderness into the Promised Land should naturally be tough and challenging because of the terrain. The desert has extreme weather conditions; when it is hot it is extremely unbearably hot and when it is cold at night, it is freezing cold. For a people who were already down trodden by the situations they lived in Egypt, the pain of the journey should have felt familiar. After all, they spent their days cutting stones and molding bricks to build cities for pharaoh while the women worked as domestic servants. Compared to the torture and humiliation they suffered from the hands of the Egyptians, they ought to have been able to bear the journey to Canaan. The bible says that the glory that awaited Jesus made Him gladly bear the painful shameful death on the cross. Sometimes what lies ahead of you gives you the courage and inspiration to do what it takes to get there.

But some of the children of Israel were unruly, they constantly complained about the journey through the wilderness. They could not even be thankful for the pillar of cloud that shaded them from the scorching desert sun during the day and the pillar of fire that kept them warm at night. They had manna and quail in abundance but they grumbled about how much they missed the garlic and cucumber they used to eat in Egypt. There are people who naturally find and focus the bad side of things. That is why motivational speakers always give the example of the half glass of water; some see half a glass as half –full (positive) while others see it as half – empty (negative). The worst person to be around is someone who complains about everything and appreciates nothing. Today, can you look at your life and appreciate God for the good that you can see in spite of the bad that the devil wants you to focus on? The mere fact that you are alive is good enough. Complaining keeps you in bondage that always ends up destroying you.

Liberation thought: In all things give thanks

Further reading: Hebrews 4


Every weapon released against my children fail in the mighty name of Jesus
I command every plan of the devil against my home to be frustrated
Whoever say I will not succeed I release thunder to strike them dead


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