A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back. Proverbs 29:11
Samson was mad at the philistine who used him for sport. It was bad enough that they had set him up with Delilah and destroyed the secret of his strength. Now he had become a jester among them and every time they were bored, they made use of the glory of God that was revealed in his physical strength for entertainment. For a man who was unconquerably strong who killed hundreds with the jaw bone of an ass and could break the strongest chain ever made, being disrespected in such a way was unbearable. So, on a fateful day, when God had begun restoring him and the hair on his hair had begun to grow again, he decided to end it all by collapsing the building where he was made to entertain the people. Even though it was said that Samson killed more people at death than during his lifetime. The tragedy here is that Samson did not hold on long enough to see how things were going to completely turn around for him. Anger made him commit suicide.
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. Samson should have been conscious of the fact that pushing down the pillars of a building he too was in would be suicidal. Now, take a minute to imagine the strength it would take to push down such a big building; that suggests that Samson would have been more glorious and powerful than he was before he was destroyed. But anger and shame made him end it all. Never allow your actions to be inspired or guided by anger. A lot of people do the same with their trials today. They throw in the towel and quit when things get rough; especially when they are to be blamed for the wrong that brought them down. They fail to consider what David meant when he said the righteous may fall seven times but will still get up. And the trick of the enemy is always to destroy your sense of worth and confidence when you are in the process of getting up.
Liberation thought: Anger is destructive
Further reading: Judges 16:23 – 31
• Every ancestral anger in my bloodline, I uproot you now by thunder
• Every spirit of anger positioned around me to hinder me from getting to my promise land perish by fire
• You spirit of anger threatening my destiny, be disappointed now in Jesus name
Powerful post. Easier said than done, but a good reminder to remain on the right path and not be derailed by emotions such as anger. Blessings for this post.