12 thoughts on “BODY FOR SALE

  1. I’m not surprised! Nothing naw gwan career wise for her! Plus that’s kinda all she talks about in her lyrics sooo…

  2. Talentless entertainers usually have to resort to this kind of stuff…
    Maybe her “fans” will finally see her true talent!

  3. So just one week of social distancing and she can’t survive. Save unno money and stop worry about flossing cause trouble nuh set like rain.

  4. Some days I feel so Srry for this girl…most days, not. She could’ve really turned her battered woman’s story into a platform for women everywhere but instead she illicits money via sex….? Sexually explicit lyrics? Ppl really need to hug their kids…where are her parents ? How was she raised ? Where in JA is she from? A stable home ? I truly want to know HER REAL STORY!

    1. Exactly, like don’t these artist know that to get up every rass day signing bout siddung pon man cocky is so dam OVERPLAYED now!!! Ishawna do better.

  5. She sure ain’t bothered about her baby fadda! I never see an artist dead suh, chat pure f ‘ery in her lyrics and post pure underage girls whining and singing her dead lyrics in dem bedroom on her story kmt…

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