Ive been busy but I like it…too much time nuh good but anyhoot…at the beginning of the year I promised you Keyshia Koir..however di name spell..I promised her story and Waldie’s..On Monday I will have her part 1..This will cover the years she and her family were in Jamaica and why they had to leave… 🙂 … a few changes are coming next week but I will inform everyone before they are made..

29 thoughts on “BUSY OO

    1. Yes him really is don of all don..
      D-Dead before him time
      N-nothing but greed and still neva get no knowings

      1. Please don’t let anyone deter you from your calling, I am one of those bloggers who pray for you every night that God gives you strength and endurance. You are doing a awesome job, I have learnt so much from your website, I always come here for the news first. Stay blessed and may God protect you and your family. :kiss

  1. Met move and Gweh ….weh yuh know bout the man unno love listen to hear seh and now know the facts man dead and gone and him name still a call weh that tell yuh

    1. Mi neighbor did have dog whey used to nyam up him tail and him dead from mi a baby and we still talk bout it..whey dat tell u?

    2. Girl we know u used to run 3 sums wid waldy and dunoutsha sooo its fair for u to defend the shared dick!!! While dunoutsha running her established business!

    3. Go rinse you daddy and pretend yah Wally in a him current state!

      Me busy too but not too busy fi come pan yah come defend Met.

  2. Yuh meant nuh* know the facts cuz as u put it if unno love listen hear sey* and NOW* know the facts…then clearly NOW that we know the facts then nuh NOW* we can/must talk dem!!?? :jrb: :malu :maho :sup: :bingung :hoax2 :malu2 :cd

    To correct and serve
    Signed Grammar Police
    Seargent reporting to late shift duty

  3. Drap str888 ah grung!!!! Why oonue love provoke di Admin and know sey oonue ah guh get shell out??? Tread lightly round ere lol.

  4. Met! Mi love yuh and glad for you and your site. You taught me a lot and your very fair. You reason out both sides and nuh tek 1 side which topple over the boat.
    Big up yuhself met, bloggers and writers here. Thank you for this forum

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