The Child Development Agency (CDA) has said it is not interested, at this moment, in removing a baby from a teen mother who alleged that one of her twins had been stolen at the Victoria Jubilee Hospital in Kingston after birth.
Information reaching THE WEEKEND STAR is that the agency, which said it is gathering facts concerning the teen and allegations made, is more concerned about the teen in question, and would like to offer counselling.
Rochelle Dixon, public relations officer, CDA, told THE WEEKEND STAR the agency has officers attached to the Centre for the Investigation of Sexual offences and Child Abuse (CISOCA) and, therefore, would have knowledge surrounding the ongoing investigation.

According to CDA, it is aware of allegations regarding the age of the father of the baby and circumstances surrounding the mother in question, so its approach is offering counselling and support where necessary.
The CDA said it is looking into allegations before a final move is determined.
Social media has been abuzz following THE WEEKEND STAR story, published, February 5, and a subsequent video posted by the alleged sister of the father.
In the video, that has gone viral, the woman alleges that CISOCA and other members of the police force had swooped down on their home to take away the ‘other’ baby from the mother, claiming papers were also given for her to sign.
However, investigation by THE WEEKEND STAR revealed it was members of CISOCA who had gone to the home of the mother, but not with the intention of taking away the child.
The investigating officer, Constable Mitchell, told THE WEEKEND STAR yesterday that CISOCA went to the house for the mother to sign a statement she had given
earlier. According to Mitchell, CISOCA is yet to get a statement from the alleged father, who is said to be a teen, and it is important that he provides a statement.
Head of CISOCA, Superintendent Enid Ross, also sought to shed light on the issue.
“CISOCA doesn’t take children, perhaps they would have gone to the house. If the girl and the father is 15 or 16 years old, and they have a relationship that is, in their mind, they are a legitimate couple then we would not prosecute them. We would ask the DPP to make a determination whether or not the young man is to be charged,” Ross told THE WEEKEND STAR.


  1. One version,,mom is 14 and dad is 30+.,,Second version both parents are 15/16….one version only one baby was delivered and grand mom and mom made up the story to sue hospital for money…Second version the nurse who delivered the baby(ies) has vanished into thin air…I welcome the truth and I hope to God that this mother’s newborn was not stolen..if this happened in the U.S. CNN would have 24 hour coverage at least for the first week…smdh

    1. I also heard both versions and dont know what to think at this point. Initially, I was convinced that there was shady business going on with the hospital. The star article said an ultra sound was done but the family has not been able to produce evidence/copy of the ultra sound. Why hasnt the family produced evidence of the ultra sound because that would answer the question of whether or not she was even pregnant with twins. The next this is that if an ultra sound was done shouldnt the hospital have record of it also (so they can clear there name if it was only one baby). For argument sake, lets say no ultra sound was ever done I am hoping that this girl got some doctor’s care before giving birth. There has to be SOME hospital record that indicates how many babies/baby she was pregnant with

  2. Thanks for doing an update. This story just really bother me. I almost get the impression that the hospital staff is covering up for some sort of negligence. The article in the star kinda pissed me off too, bout how the nurses are upset bcz they were being threatened in regards to the baby’s whereabouts… Yea ! Supposed to be threats going on, when a crime like this is commited. Whether that crime is kidnap or negligence. Ppl need answers.

  3. Simplicity
    Shut u come catcher u an dem a f**king idiots cause if she seh di doctor wah she go seh she pregnant wid twins how come dat doctor no come forward fi seh yes him r she was her primary care pediatrician an yes she was pregnant wid twins,cause if u pregnant wid twins one r a puppy r even a puss kitten there gnna b record at di clinic r doctor office to show,if dem did want to make a quick buck betta if dem did hide di one babe an den seh dem steal it,so dnt plan a crime if u no plan unu plan a escape route

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