Came home from working a double shift and found the toilet seat up. Either my wife didn’t take a piss for 20 hours straight or there had been another man in my house.
Suspected it was her “gay” friend from work. I also knew that said friend was trying to sell his house, so I called the real estate agent and asked the see his place. Right inside the front door, i recognized one of her jackets hanging in the mud room. Proceeded to the living room and bam…right on the f**king mantel was a picture of my wife and this guy.
We divorced shortly after. She ended up marrying this guy…then cheated on him…and now they are divorced. Didn’t feel bad for him at all.

Was the night of her company Christmas party. I had to stay home and babysit our five year old son (Grandma was supposed to, but she fell and was in the hospital with a broken hip.)
I figured wife would go and then come home early. Turns out, she was planning to stay the night at a hotel so “she could drink and not worry about driving.”
I woke up about 3am just knowing something was wrong (never happened before) and checked “Find My Phone” to see where she was. She was with her boss at his apartment.
Pretty much sucked.

We were having a little party and the way the house was built, I was like two rooms away from her, but I guess she assumed I couldn’t still see her. I looked over while making a drink and saw her hand down my friends pants
Another girl I dated I learned was cheating on me when she just came out and told me. I had no fu***ng idea or suspicion either. She was basically like “I’ve been doing this, I’m sorry, I felt bad when I did it, can we work it out and stay together”

I know this is cliche and I’ve definitely bitched about it before, but coming home from a 12 MONTH deployment to a BLACK baby when we’re both white were strike one and two. Strike three was telling me she had black relatives (whom I’ve never met) so that could be what happened, sure. Doesn’t matter what excuse You have there isn’t a magical 12 month gestation period. Makes me very f**king angry.
Edit: I didn’t want to say ducking nor botched

The actual discovery occurred when I looked at his texts and discovered their messages to one another. The following day I confronted him and although he initially tried to deny it he eventually spilled the truth. What’s perhaps more interesting was the lead-up to my checking his phone:
A month or so previous, he told me that he was going out with a lady friend for a drive. I trusted it was platonic at the time. Later, there was a hair in our bathroom that didn’t belong to me, so I made a passing remark about her having to come in to use the washroom at some point. What was strange is that he denied she had done so, even though that would have been a perfectly plausible and totally not suspicious reason for it to have been there. I rationalized that it had fallen off his clothes at some point.
Following that event, he called me one day in a panic that this lady friend’s ex had seen them together and immediately flew into a jealous rage. Since the ex threatened to get in touch with me, my then-bf rushed home to warn me about the incoming message and that it was a lie. I believed him, and since the other man made me uncomfortable when I met him before, I blocked his message.
Before leaving for a trip I was going on without him, he started crying and said that this was the end, even though we had been working on improving our relationship and things had been okay lately, I thought.
Upon my return he acted strangely. The first thing I noticed was that he would start leaving the room to take calls on his phone, despite never having done that before, ever. He also took his phone with him into the bathroom while he showered which, again, was unlike him. I even came home to find him mid-conversation, and heard him say “I’ll call you back” in a hushed tone before immediately ending the call and dodging through the kitchen to avoid me.
When cleaning up his dirty laundry, I found a ring in his pocket. Don’t know if it was hers; it wasn’t fancy by any means, but it certainly belonged to a woman.
The culmination of these events made me paranoid, torn between being a good, non-snooping girlfriend and wanting to get to the bottom of things. He had a strong personality and a hell of a temper, so I didn’t think asking him would have yielded honest results. I was able to get ahold of his phone and leaf through his texts, and that provided tangible proof. Had I not found those though, I would have broken up with him anyway.
And that, friends, is the story of how I went from trusting men in a romantic context, to not being able to trust myself as a judge of character.


  1. As a rule ,I don’t cheat cuz it’s not cheating if everybody knows about everybody n how mi stay from the outset of our relationship. I have actually only been caught once in my life cheating.I don’t know how I forgot to throw away the condom wrapper but my lady was waashing my clothes and found it.

    I was doing quite well with my explanation how it ended up there until she tricked me n claim everything will be alright if I just tell the truth!!Not a alright n I should have learnt from OJ Simpson that u gotta stick to your lie.

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