SENDER:-Come ya met >>>This b*tch got some nerves acting like she The sh*t and she a live careless life look what I found , when I saw it I’m like I kno that tattoo , waste gyal dun out Diva , saw a video going around with her between a gurl leg in a party but I guess she a f**k girls fi thru.

Where is the video
What exactly are those on her breast 2 moths or 2 johncrows??? Just curious
I KNOW classy Lesbians.Gwaan through Chevy n live YOUR life cuz as long as it nah impact negatively on my life, I really don’t see the big deal!
Really y’all have no life this shouldn’t even be a story
Beautiful girl but she’s delusional u f**k
I’m still
Shock she undocumented and so bc hype
Suh became u undocument u cyan hype??? Mi hate fool fool ppl!!! Kmt!!!! Papers Mek u hype?
This not even a story sender next every gyal a lesbian this is jus too sus or personal . NEXT STORY NUH MET