Morning Met yesterday I took my child for his Surgical Clinic over Bustamante Children’s Hospital. Only to hear a child died. The story the parents repeated was that the child was placed in the sun to stand as punishment subsequent to that the child collapse rushed to childrens hospital and died.
I don’t know which school the child attended or the age of the child but this is a story that must not be swept under the rug. Please see if you can get additional information about the case.
Useless/baseless draconian European inspired punishments need to stop. The implementing teacher and those all the way up the food chain, should be sued, fired and possibly criminally charged. If that were my child, I would create havoc on them.
Aaii bwaii, mi can’t believe these things…
Couple years ago of friend of mine died similar circumstance. She normally complained of headaches and could not perform in classes, especially PE. But the teachers use to discipline her by putting her to stand in the sun. One day she fainted, after some tests it was identified that she had a tumor in her head she died couple months after… Rip to her and also this child