1. “If my child dies, someone will have to answer for it.”

    Yeah? How much are you contributing to your hospital visits? Do you pay income or property taxes? You people want free health care, free education, free housing and most of the population contribute zero taxes to fund these freeness. Where do you guys think the money come from to build, staff and run a hospital? I bet that child was born at a free hospital and receive neonatal care at a free government clinic. I’m tired of you freeloaders making demands on a system you contribute nothing to. GTFOH!!

  2. Lucea Hospital serves no purpose trust me, it’s beyond disgraceful & the nurses there are very rude and unprofessional. This is why people need to be mindful and be smart when it comes to voting because I don’t see the sense of voting for these politicians them worthless just like the hospital. I’m from Lucea and I am very disappointed in that hospital, it shameful bad! Healthcare is very important and Jamaica need to fix their healthcare system because so many people are losing their lives all because of the unprofessionalism of the Jamaican healthcare system. Full time now things change man. Prayers for that little one, I hope all goes well & she gets better

    1. The entire town looks like a place time has forgotten. For a parish capital the place is a dump. No urban planning, no nothing. Even some one street cowboy town in movies look better. Lucea is a dump of epic proportions, and no councilor or MP has done shit for the place. Regardless of that there is no reason with a child at a hospital suffering from a possible fatal infection should not have been attended to more quickly. I am not a parent, but I have been a child and I cannot imagine the pain that little one is in and the helplessness the mother felt having to just sit and watch for hours. You mean they couldn’t quickly put the child on an IV fluid and give her some pain meds and whatever else they treat ppl with Dengue for? Even if they couldn’t admit the child they could have attended to her more swiftly.

  3. In response to anonymous about the mother being a freeloader and non tax paying citizen,how is this revelant to a mother seeking medical attention for her child. Does everyone that goes to the hospital in America, Canada, England do they all pay taxes? I hope if ur living in Jamaica you’ll never feel the burnt of not getting medical help in times of need! Not everyone can go to the Private hospitals; hence the reason people seek help from these public hospitals that were made to provide care for people. Whether a person pay taxes or not shouldn’t be a deciding factor in getting medical attention!

    Lastly ur attitude makes u seems worst than a piece of dried shit! U need to do some soul searching to find out what makes u so bitter towards people of lower economic level!

    1. Imagine a mother crying out about the lack of service for her sick child and a dat response somebody going to give. If you not a parent you must have been a child so what is hard to understand about the situation. If you caan understand the angle of the upset parent, you very well can understand from the angle of the sick child in pain. Empty barrels meck di most noise.

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