Met it’s been nearly 3 months now Chin restaurant lock down. The leaked pics with the dic in her mouth hurt both her lesbian reputation and food business. Ghetto people very particular about who and who them eat from and from pinkwall buss the story, God bless if Chin sold 5 box food for a day.
She’s a fairly good looking girl and since she goes both ways, she can survive off them minding her and no bother with the food selling.
So this is something to rejoice about? And yet we hate trump but we doing the same thing to our own kind
What correlation this have wid trump?
A suck hood, eat pumpum small business owner who have enemies and people fraid she taste and stir the pot.
Then we have a nasty, racist, billionare white man with: governing powers in a country that’s a super power on the entire planet…how that compare?
Are you saying no one cared when she was eating Coochi but them upset seh shi eating dick? Sounds like all her customers were other confused lesbians not ghetto people per se.
Yo mi wan si di picture wid the dick in a mouth…A whey mi can find it…Raas cloth.
Yuh go di 2 ways an it Nuh work out… Wow!
Yow some ppl ignorant bad