Melissa You An Sudine fi du bl***h better unno coulda gi munchie suitcase some more days bbc unno Eva a run fi go dance a nine time an unno ano promoter an nav nuh clothes munchie wear the clothes satday an uno Inna it Monday two a in no need fi go si dung an look offa uno kidz an go get a job


4 thoughts on “CLOTHES EXCHANGE

  1. Fake clothes, hand-me-downs from foreigners, cheap clothes, there’s a lot of bums in Jamaica that swear to GOD they can dress and are fashion forward. If you scan all the party pictures from the weekend every Monday you will see so many fashion faux pas, that your head will spin, but it’s great comedy nonetheless. Men stop renting out your tongue and batty hole for fake brands and cheap clothes so you can try to look important in a dance, we all know you’re broke. Ladies stop chasing down hype by feeling like you have to be in every dance even though you buy new clothes once a year…

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