I wanted to share this video with you and the metters about government corruption as I was reading the post on Jamaica’s upcoming election. It is from the perspective of an economic hitman and he explains how the world finance works. Very interesting.. them people devious smdh
Let me know what you think.
John Perkins Confessions of an economic hit man


  1. I discovered this video last year along with many others, I was shocked, I was upset and that is why I just cannot vote. But Im more interested in the PNP because of Manley and no other reason.

  2. Jamaicans leaders sell out easy, so they will never be in any plane crash……they stand for nothing. sugar is king every where else in the world , SOLD ! Coffee we have the best SOLD ! THEY DONT NEED TO TAKE DOWN DEM PLANES BECAUSE THESE PUPPET DANCE TO ANYBODY TUNE. CIA didn’t ask in the 70s. They call and told saga what to do and gave him use revolvers as payment. Soviet and Cuba gave the other clown used stuff…..SMH ………THEY ALL MOVE TO FORIGN LAND AND GET FAT WRITE A BOOK AND DIE OLD …THEIR PLANES WILL NEVER GO DOWN !

    1. Please don’t start with your Manley propaganda. Manley was not a communist of a communist sympathiser. Both sides had guns–after the fact–and trust me, the guns came from the same source. You just don’t know how they work. As they did with Iran and Iraq when they were fighting, they provided weapons to both of them so that they create prolonged civil unrest.
      Manley, was not receptive to no bribe or any incentives and as such, they wanted him gone. Thank God, it did not get to where they killed him. Why do you think Bob Marley got shot?

      1. lol I see u are one a de Manley clown dem …dont worry nobody never did a bomb up his plane because him a one a dem weh start sell out jamaica WITH NO ITCH . NO STANDING IN ANYBODY WAY ….him learn from him fart father and him fart uncle

        1. Please stop with your rubbish. I only deal with facts. I can’t stand when stupid people like you tell lies and talk about things that you know nothing about.
          What the hell do you know about what Michael Manley was doing? Please, stop making a fool of yourself. History has absolved the man. You are a partisan JLP goon. I see good in Bruce, Manley and even the current opposition leader; while I am not a fan of the prime minister–not to say that I support everything Bruce and Holiness stand for.
          This partisan rubbish just has to stop. What did Manley sell out in the 70s you idiot–please tell me, what did he sell? What issues do you have with Norman Manley? Douglas Manley is not that significant; hence, I won’t get into that…

          1. THATS WHY THAT COUNTRY ALWAY IN THE STATE IT IS IN ..YOU ALL FORGET UR PAST TOO QUICKLY …go read and look up the history of jamaica. oh yeah the pound of mix flour that won ur vote back then still clouding your brain now……i wish they all had stand up to something so big brother could bomb them plane. they bend back ward to any and everybody for the right price and get fat and move to Miami or France . FACTS God nah sleep still see him go through illness like the rest of us …people like u make the youth still think the same way …look from when u shit out the mix flour ….go get your facts straight …..later for u old useless socialist

  3. I wish he had confessed that Edward Seaga was their man too.Look around Jamaica today the CEO of most companies are light skin or white.Why do you think Bill Clinton is going to Haiti?Wake up Jamaica.

  4. Things have gone full circle. Rumour has it that Peter Phillips is now the CIA’s bitch. After the elections this man will make a run at the leadership of the PNP. Despite what you see on stage, he can’t stand a bone in PSM. Do a Google search for the Wikileaks article on what he said to the US Embassy about Portia. I shudder to think that this man might be our Prime Minister some day.

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