Guyanese social media influencer, Lola doll who announced last year that she was engaged to Corwin Williams is now the cause of his demise. It is being reported that Mr. Williams is now dead following a reveal by Lola Doll on social media that he had aids. Williams admitted via voicenote that he was infected but made it clear that he was clean a year before. Lola Doll who is married was charged in Tortola for falsifying medical records


  1. This is a sad situation. The mere fact that she produced a fake negative result clearly indicts her as the most likely catalyst in this situation.

  2. Him immune system mussi weak caah aids naw too kill ppl again much now.. wid dem meds dem can live a long time especially strengthening the immune … A cancer a di real killer. Di ooman wicked doe.

  3. Does anyone know of a case where anyone has been charged with causing the death of a person through passing on HIV/AIDS? If people can be charged for inflicting harm through transmission, it must follow that you can be charged if the person dies as a result, but that it would probably only be possible if prior to death, person A was found guilty of transmitting the disease to person B. Any hoo, I don’t think Lola faking her results is proof that she transmitted anything, it just suggest she might also have the virus but in the absence of a genuine test, who can tell?

  4. I think this guy died from stress ,she just didn’t deal with the situation good but hmmm this teach us to keep our business off social media.i hope Lola go cool out found surgery on ur body is not all it can’t protect from sickness

  5. @Anon 4:22. The simple answer to your question is yes a person may be charged for passing on HIV and may be found guilty of an offence. It is a form of aggravated sexual assault/grievous bodily harm etc. depending on the jurisdiction, but certain tests/conditions must be satisfied before the offence can be established, such as: the person must have knowledge they are infected, failure to disclose, in some jurisdictions the likelihood of transmitting the disease (e.g., a high viral load, not using a condom etc.), in other jurisdictions the passing on of the virus. It is the conditions of the test that is most relevant, for example, in some jurisdictions it is likely to be charged and found guilty of an offence even if the virus is not transmitted as long as the elements of the tests of the offence are present. In the specific case of Jamaica, the matter has not been directly litigated but the issue has been dealt with by the Courts and the Courts have held that it is a form of offence against the person under the Offences Against the Person Act (OAPA). A person who infects another person in Jamaica, “knowingly and recklessly”, may be guilty of the offence of inflicting grievous bodily hard, conditional on the other elements of the offence being met. To reiterate and make clear, a person may be found to be guilty of an offence due to having sexual encounter(s) with another knowing they are HIV positive and failing to disclose, conditioned on other ingredients being established. In some jurisdictions, a person may be guilty of such an offence whether or not the other party was infected: in the case of Jamaica this is not the case and a person may be found guilty of such an offence only if the other party was infected.

  6. He would have had the virus before he got with Lola. Didn’t he infect two other women that he was with BEFORE Lola?

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