1. can they just lay off the man and let him rest in peace? the pope wears PRADA, andrew holness and his dukunu wife sport a big mansion on the hill that could take in the whole of their garrison constituencies and they’re yet to do anything of significance for poor people, margaret thatcher have shares in westland helicopter and used to have helicopter land on her house top and in her backyard to pick her up and drop her off and she NEVER did jack s@×t for poor people, their protoge, thiefing mabutu sese seko had the runway at the main airport in Zair extended so the concorde airways could land when it fly in exclusively to pick him up to fly to the US and western Europe to spend lavishly the BILLIONS of dollars he looted from Zair’s coffer at poor people’s expense, their other protoge the sultan of brunei have a palace exclusively for his hundreds of SEX-SLAVES and high price call girls from western countries notably US & UK and he NEVER did jack s#÷t for anybody, not even the citizens of brunei, and to top it off? the UK parliament is about to approve around £350-550 million(yes million) pound sterling at the poor british tax payers expense to refurbished one of the many places of woman who comes from a line of people who rob, plunder, pillage, thief, to make them what they are and still to this day haven’t done anything for poor people, the daily mail really need to ease off mr. Castro! :2thumbup

  2. All lies, Castro did not live a lavish life; from my understanding, the man did not own a TV and all the years of forensic research, they were not able to find any hidden money…

  3. We don’t expect the western media outlets to speak anything positive about the Great Fidel Castro and we don’t need their approval for this man to be justified. He work in the area of education, egalitarianism and the liberation of the oppressed around the world speaks for itself.

    John H Clarke stated that Africa has no friends and I agree with the exception of the great Dr. Fidel Castro that is. He was a champion for the Pan-Africanist cause to the end.

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