realdaltonharrisI will not respond with anger or frustration. Your attitude reflects your mind, do not project your issues on me. I am a grown man. Have no issue or confusion where my sexuality and masculinity is concerned…. When you type your negative comments and have a laugh or breaking someone down or making somen into a negative how does it: ● Change your state of living?
● Are you more wholesome?
● More successful?
● Better at your job?
● More accepting of yourself?

Never selling my soul or integrity or sexuality to gain anything. Only hard work. If you are so quick to judge without knowing anything you seem more FISHY or weak or more of a sell out than me.

Be Great
Be Inspiring


22 thoughts on “DALTON RESPONDS

  1. Oh stfu. I’m very comfortable with my sexuality and that picture is questionable. How exactly have you fought for Jamaica every single day? Please enlighten me because today is the first day I’m seeing your face and knowing your name. You are the one who is uncomfortable with your sexuality. A picture speaks a thousand words.

    1. Why unno siddung a worry bout Dalton life. whether he gay or straight what exactly or you and the other getting out of it. unno fi learn fi mind unno owna business if the boy never respond unno wudda still a tear him dung. He responded,so what? Everything unno run put label man and a unno same one have unno man or whatever a fuck off unno son and dawta but I dont hear nuh whole breed a noise about that tho. UNNO SAD BAD. Dalton Gay or Nah continue to do you for the people who spend their time judging you them obviously miserable and unhappy so their don’t want no one else to be happy.

      1. Go buy wah enema kit and calm yuh hole. Did I strike a nerve? Do you enjoy sitting Pon top of cocky too? Are you a closeted faggot as weLL? Speaking of minding your own business, wtf are you minding mine by way of responding to what I stated? Until yesterday, I didn’t know wth Dalton was, so what are u rambling about? Look how far you reach a cuss people bout Dem son and daughter. Kiss my phucken ass yuh mussi think say mi a soft soap. MAN NUH SUPPOSE FI SIT DOWN INNA NO MAN LAP. POINT BLANK PHUCKEN PERIOD.

        1. @So What..!
          Same ting mi a seh to. Dem inna de man life like sand fly a follow shit. Lowe the man alone him nah fuck nobabi fi unno so why unno mad as a far you Marie or Martin Dalton a stop yuh food like yuh seh yuh didn’t even know of him yet still yuh have long paragraph pon de man and yuh nuh tink a straight badmind den yuh even sadder wid unno small -mind mentality.. While unno a beat de man dung him a reap the benefit of unno unnecessary attention. Big up yuh self Dalton. Dem cyan stop your shine

  2. Betta him neva sey nutten. You waan tell mi sey yu cudden stoop dung or beg dem dress dung suh yu cudda squeeze in fi get the piccha…BUT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO as a straight man you found it entirely ok to sit in a man’s lap with said man hugging you around the waist. I guess like Buju said in the late 1990s when unno a sleep, wi a patrol outta door. When Jamaica naah look Dalton a defend wi…Woieee mi uku bit.

  3. I think our culture over sexualize everything men are not allowed to even show affection to each other and it wasnt until i travelled a bit that it became evident to me, relax guys even if he’s gay SO WHAT if u ain’t sharing the gospel with him to show him his sin let it go, matter of fact the life whey some a unnu a live a better unnu did gay kmt

  4. OMG what have we become..? So if a man hug a man or sit in a him lap he is gay.Come on my people the guy in a competition so far he is doing well we should be supporting him not breaking him down. No wonder why murder increased in Jamaica a man can’t even have a friendly banter with a man so I must tell my grandson him can play with him mate, I wonder if it was a woman sitting in another woman lap what would we say? Happy

  5. You don’t owe anyone ANY explanation Dalton! Just be true yourself and continue making jamaica proud and continue waving the flag! Even IF he’s Gay-SO WHAT!! Stop making peoples lifestyle and choices bother you to the point where it affects your life. There’s no need to tear other people down over nothing but speculation! Jamaica needs to stop being so damn judgemental and mind your own business kmt

  6. But Dalton been gay from Rising Stars days. I think that’s why his Mom & Dad treated him differently. I still love him and still support him; people focus on his talent and personality and let this go. We are out of many one people.

  7. Hold please! A one a di hero dem??? An di whole time mi deh yah a tink seh mi know mi history…dat nuh look good.. Wait maybe a di amry him serve inna??? Talk to mi. Nothing nuh wrang wid two dude hugging… but yuh siddung inna man lap shir :rolleyes: A only ppl like dis dem promote. I just don’t see what is so wrong with a real regular black man with a great voice representing us, it sad dat this is the kinda awwww boi……

    1. Yuh see how the white boy acting like a dog in heat? He is ready, willing and able. Yes Latty, I need to know also how he has fought for Jamaica! It must be army fr.

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