The lawyer for former ponzi schemer David Smith spoke to Nationwide News this morning . He said Mr. Smith celebrates victory as his move has taken off twenty years off his sentencing. Smith told his lawyer that the U.S government had made him a deal that would have cut his sentencing time provided that he gave them evidence. According to Smith’s laweyer, overwhelming evidence was provided on Jared Martinez who Smith claim was the mastermind behind Olint. Martinez was not charged.


  1. This man a try everything fi stay outa jail….after stealing the life savings of so many!! Jackass seh di world nuh level ooo

  2. He is going to jail Met. No get weh nuttn. The problemi s the Jamaican authorities are not doing their part to help the victims of this fraudster. The entirety of his assets are not being confiscated. Sadly, this is what happens. Prime examples,Prezzi, Bulbie, Zeeks, and thelistt is long.

  3. I remember when I was in college, a small group of us started a business. At the time I was 17 and was very trusting and naive. Shortly after, half of the group members disappeared with the money I had worked for a year after leaving high school plus savings I had accumulated from gifts from family. At the time I was really upset. Years later, I realised that was one of the best lessons of my life. I learned to never blindly trust anyone, to do my background checks, never invest in something I don’t understand, to never invest more than I can afford to lose and when to seek legal advice.

    So when I heard about this Olint thing and was approached to ‘invest’. I did my research and couldn’t figure out how this man could be offering 10 and 20% per month when the best foreign exchange traders in the world were barely making 10% per year. It looked too good to me so I politely declined. I had to tolerate many months of ridicule from friends who told me how stupid I am and how I don’t want to make money. The worse thing is that when Olint collapsed I couldn’t even laugh in their faces as some had put up children’s school money, mortgage money, car money, partner money and some were almost ‘flat on their faces’ and I felt really bad for them.

  4. The reason why the USA did not honor any plead agreement, is that David Smith simply did not give up all the Jamaicans who were actively involved in the fraud (more so than the Jared Martinez family) and the big players who withdrew their money (with fictitious interest) which caused the scheme to collapse prematurely. We all know who those players are and they are all walking freely in Jamaica at this time.

    If I was his lawyers, I wouldn’t be celebrating any victory just yet, since these extradition cases are routinely overruled on appeal once the case get out from under the corrupt TCI judicial system. A system that facilitated Olint when they were kicked out of Jamaica and all these foolish “investors” followed him to TCI.

  5. Same way suh…all agreements will be voided simply because he has not “fully” cooperated. Watch the ride. His attorney will get all kinds of favorable rulings in Turks. His contributions there were legendary.

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