
Hi Met. Every one is facinated with the Rachel Dolezal story about her being Black which spark a discussion with my co-workers. Some Black people are proud of Rachel identified herself as Black & giving her props. But if the shoe was on the other foot & Black person identify them self as White all hell would break lose. Black people would cuss them out saying they don’t like their blackness. Even on the Pinkwall the cussing they would get wouldnt stop. Black people get put down for bleaching their skin, wearing blue contact lens & sometimes wearing blond hair. If they hang around White People or act a certain way, they are accuse of wanting to be white. Eg Michael Jackson, Tiger Woods, Latoya Jackson. So why is it ok for Rachel saying she is Black(Transracial) but not for a Black person saying they are White without being Crucified? I’m just ask a question so please people on the Pinkwall don’t shame mi.


  1. Good morning ppl. It is not ok. She walked around in blackface for 10 years. The scholorship that was intended for a black person in need….she stole that…the job post that she had with the NAACP she stole that as well from another black person who was just as qualified if not more than her to accept the position. So much for affirmative action. When blacks do the reverse of what she has done they are told it is self hatred? I view what she has done as self hatred coupled with a serious mental deficiency. Its fine that she identifies herself as black but dont LIE/SCAM. This mad ass woman went as far as to get a pretend black father!?!?!…I am one who cannot be swayed by the media. I have read the comments on PW,listened to social commentators and such but I hate a liar and a thief. This is the only part of the story I care about..She stole from blacks. So all who think she didnt hurt the black community reevaluate that. Another thing…whites can teach Africana studies…A course I took called White Priviledge was taught by a white professor and I learned so much. He never faked being black tho!!! He was challenged constantly about why the university employed a white person to lecture on race relations. This lady bypassed all that and benefited in this case from blackface. She has made race relations WORSE and anybody stop to wonder why a seemingly light skinned blk woman advanced so quickly while a darker skin blk woman with the same credentials DID NOT. Thats a whole other can of worms…4give any errors in a rush…have a blessed day folks

  2. @Marie, Ive been analyzing this bizarre situation with Rachel ever since the story hit the media and beyond. NOT ONE OUNCE OF WHAT SHE DID IS OK IN MY BOOK, MY OPINION. She can feel black, dress black and adopt black kids all she wants. THE REAL ISSUE HERE IS, She constructed and built upon this elaborate lie for years and deceived her employers and others to the point where i think she began believing her own lies. Everytime she is called out on one of her LIES SHE HAS AN EXPLANATION(ppl like her scare me), then she adds more and her layers of lies just gets THICKER. At this point, I’m even beginning to question her sanity, because a person in their normal mind wouldn’t do that. She’s calculated, dishonest, a scammer and potentially disturbed. And for whatever the reason she created such a facade about her real life its clearly NOT for the LOVE OF PEOPLE OF COLOR. Disturbing to say the least.

    1. Highly mi think uno a miss the point ten times over..Not one person here or anywhere can say she didnt lie…But the bigger picture is that this is America now…people can lie/connive and be who they want to be that it the society we live in and most importanly she was outed because they look down on when u really put time into what rachel has done and the lies…at the end of the day u will miss the bigger picture…as vegas say – dont be fooled-..change dem waa change God’s world to how dem want…Jenner right but Rachel wrong..and why? Blacks cant be up in arms about the NAACP because they havent done shit for blacks…they were always double crossers…remember a dem help tek out marcus garvey so when people seh how she put people out a job etc…the NAACP aint shit…she can keep the job…the real issue is why they up in arms and is because they think black people are beneath them

      1. Also the NAACP was funded and started by whites fi infiltrate the black population…Rachel was in the right place because the NAACP is definitely NOT for blacks

  3. @Met, i really don’t care about her NAACP job, cause i know what they are about and if they never called attention to it she would still be there. That’s even the more reason she could have drop the disguise cause it wasnt necessary to begin with. From a personal standpoint, she believes her own propaganda, and me find that disturbing. And then her interview this morning on channel 4 just ended it for me. My issue with this woman is a personal one and im not missing the point.

    1. Personal why? If she believes her own lie she sick but as I said that is the way of the world now it allows people to believe their own lies just like bruce jenner so the media shouldnt be upset at what rachel said because a dem set it suh

  4. Met off topic .. me just see on baller alert dem seh Bobbi Kristina is off life support and doing well and how Whitney was murdered.. Bobby brown crackhead sister a talk up /.. and how Pat houston and bobbi k nuh related and she did want bobbi fi dead so she can be head of estate …

      1. I wish people would stop following up with all the updates on Bobbi Kristina. She is in a vegetative state and cannot come back to doing good. She was under water and her brain without oxygen for an extended period of time. She is on life support and the family is feuding because keeping her alive is eating into her $20 million dollar fortune and the only one who wants to keep her on the support is her father.
        Anything about her recovery is nonsense.

  5. I didnt feel very badly about what she did until I saw her interview. Don’t get me wrong, what she did was wrong, very wrong. She lied about her race and was very deceptive, but it’s not a very far fetched thing to do. Up till about 15 I hated my dark skin and my thick extremely kinky Maroon type hair. My cousins got the light skin from my mother’s side of family and I got my father’s dark skin. and when I used to go to the country to spend summers with my grandma I was the black zutupeck. So i identified with my skin as a negative thing. So I can relate to wanting to be lighter or even white. She’s human, people mess up. I didnt watch the entire interview so I might be off track, but I just thought she could have handled it with a little more humility. I read her release and it sounded to me like she was accusing the world of being preoccupied with the colour of her skin when so many other things are out there to be dealt with. Should I not report if my house is broken into and my assets are stolen because persons out there are sleeping on the street and gettingg killed daily?

    I think it would have been a better idea for her to come out and say what I did was wrong, I lied and deceived many persons and I am sorry. But I don’t deserve this type of backlash. Even that would have been better than her trying to stuff what she did down our throats. I found the criticism that she received from the black community extremely harsh, the same black community that struggles so much to fit in with white ppl. But fire cant fight fire. Rachel shudda come to the interview with her bucket of water to fight the flames. The white community is giving her a hard time too, but for a different reason. How dare she behave like being a black person is anything to be proud of? and we black people need to realize that this is the reason for their uproar. Not they have any concern about our culture. As long as we stay to the back them good. If she had lied about her age or job qualifications it wouldn’t have even made the news.

  6. Look if a white woman in todays america wants to be black then i say welcome sister. America is not jamaica, america has many years of racial biases and racial hatred of blacks that we from jamaica cannot identify with.We have many white women from the U. s. and europe who have been living in jamaica with their rasta husbands who identify as black.

    I knew that black american women would be pissed off more because she is stealing their identity, but more than that a lot of african american women feel like white women are stealing their men. If she could go through all that trouble to represent the black race as a black man i say kudos to you my white sister, selah.

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