The decomposing body of a teacher of St. James High in Montego Bay, was found wrapped in a sheet, with multiple stab wounds at his home in Trelawny this morning (Wed).
The victim has been identified as 53 year old Dexter Dacres.
The Trelawny Police reported that the body was discovered about 7:30 in New Haven Heights in Granville Trelawny, after a neighbour reported a foul stench coming from the house and went to investigate.
Police say Dacres was last seen yesterday (Tues) morning in the company of a teenaged boy, who he identified as a family member.
The police have confirmed that upon discovery of the body, a note was found, but declined to say what was written in the note.
Its suspected that the note was left by his killers.


  1. I will bet mi left balls and right ears say a some gay shit (no pun intended) gwaan yasso. Anytime u hear bout man found inna him house wid stab wounds u normally her say dem last seen in the company of man.

  2. I will not judge him he was a human and also my friend. Someone’s child gay or not. Sadly dead men tell no tales. He tried to rape u, why not one or two stabs and run? Why take the time to stab him multiple times and then wrap him in a sheet. That sound fishy to me too so the police need to find those irresponsible

  3. I will not judge him he was a human and also my friend. I didn’t know him as a gay and if he attacked u as u say y not run and even if one or two stabs y multiple then stick around to wrap him in a sheet. Sonmething not adding up. I know he was a good teacher. He’s gone but we all have our day

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