Who Betrayed Portia? – Expert Blames Simpson Miller’s Handlers For Election Defeat
A psychotherapist, who drew much criticism late last year when The Gleaner reported her projection that then Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller would be booted because of the actions of her handlers, has declared that she now feels vindicated.
“Simpson Miller became both a captive and victim of her own public relations,” asserted the psychotherapist, who studies human behaviour and has repeatedly requested that her name be withheld.
She said she has been studying the metamorphosis of the PNP president since 2011. “It is fascinating to watch from a psychoanalytical perspective.”
Explaining that for professional reason she could not permit release of her identity, the psychotherapist added: “In the end she was like Marie Antoinette, a tragic figure who was powerless to change her circumstances.”
Marie Antoinette, then wife of French King Louis X1V, was executed by the use of a guillotine, after she was accused of helping to provoke unrest that led to the French Revolution and the overthrow of the monarchy in August 1792.
“Now she (Simpson Miller) will face the guillotine alone,” the psychotherapist lamented. “The good news is that she is now wealthy and self-sufficient.
She added: “The lady from Woodhall did good, but her legacy was allowed to be tarnished by people with raw political agendas that did not serve her interests.”
Delusions Of Grandeur
Last year, the psychotherapist told The Gleaner that from a clinical perspective, Simpson Miller’s handlers engendered a type of complex in her to make her feel she was no longer accountable to anyone.
“It comes off as delusions of grandeur,” declared the psychotherapist.
“I am sure this is not who she is, even as they transformed a very confident person into a self-embarrassed figurehead.”
Speaking with The Gleaner last week – six months after her initial prediction – the psychotherapist said: “The fallout will be tough, many careers are now exposed and they will be weighed and found wanting.”
She continued: “The PNP will find themselves in the position that most old political parties have.”
According to her, the young people within the PNP are now impatient. “They believe their time has come and are eager to retire the old guard.”
She lamented that, “After all his hard work, Dr Peter Phillips (former finance minister) will have to fight for his political life as many are laying the loss at his feet.
“Portia cannot and might not even be inclined to help him,” said the psychotherapist.
“She is too busy staring at the populace, especially Comrades, in wonder at their betrayal. How can such a crowd in Half-Way Tree be wrong?” added the psychotherapist.


  1. For professional reasons I’m going to ask this computer,textbook obeah woman to have muliple seats.
    For starters, psm is not an enigma to anyone, for decades now her character as been on full display. The only persons suffering from delusion of grandeur are the voters who call themselves comrades. Psm time expired decades ago, along with phillips and the rest of black russians, lol. Forgot, not even mother Russia uses that terminology any longer.
    The pnp psuedo commi ideologues must come to realize that like the sands of time they are becoming dust, time and death has eradicated their style of leadership. Even Cuba’s saying goodbye.

    1. Though derived from its use in the USSR, Communists are not the only ones who use the Comrade reference. Trevor Monroe is the only Communist Jamaican that I know of. I do agree that they should refrain from using the moribund ‘Comrade’ reference. Especially given the fact that they do not subscribe to the precepts that led to the use of said word.

  2. Anonymous,shut yuh bc..
    I have a friend and a sister who study psychology to a degree,they analyse and over analyse everything.
    Thought this was a Andrew’s win ?
    Portia won and won convincingly the last time.The PNP lost or Andrew won ?

    1. 1:15 you a damn idiot? Go lay on a settee and let you people study your retard ass to a degree! Your family studied ‘to a degree’ not you so stfu with your babbling and asking dumbass questions.

  3. Portia felt invincible because she was never held accountable by her own Ministers. No one betrayed her, she betrayed herself! Her supporters who packed Halfway Tree are just like her…they were only there for the cameras but without substance. Voting was not a priority for them, just like Jamaica’s well being was never a priority for Portia Miller Simpson. While I feel she is just not competent for public office, she should do some introspection and use some of that ill-gained wealth to fund education for disadvantaged youths.

  4. “Portia cannot and might not even be inclined to help him,” said the psychotherapist.
    “She is too busy staring at the populace, especially Comrades, in wonder at their betrayal. How can such a crowd in Half-Way Tree be wrong?” added the psychotherapist.
    Poor Mama P

  5. I agree how a crowd like that could be wrong..Micheal Manley did sey in 1980 10,000 strong cant be wrong..and Seaga win landslide .

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