Vegas spent too much time twanging instead of debating intellectually or sensibly, but then Vegas is an intellectual no-weight pretending like because him love chat he’s an intellectual.
Gino Jennings is a bully and tyrant who uses the bible to bully people, so someone who’s ignorant about the bible and theology (Vegas) cannot go up against him. Which played out in grand fashion at this so-called ‘debate’.
When Vegas couldn’t manage, he did what was expected of an intellectual no-weight, he attached Jennings on a personal level by calling him a ‘hypocrit’ and ‘liar’. That would have been totally unnecessary if he did as Jennings asked and ‘debated’ based on the bible.
Now, like all bullies and tyrants, Jennings is a coward. One dunce head artiste style him and he basically had the man physically assaulted because he couldn’t take it. All Jennings had to do was keep whapping up Vegas with the bible. The audience was his anyways. He could not have lost the ‘debate’ and Vegas could not have won.
All in all I have 2 things to say about this debate:
1) As a woman who freely wears my make-up and any other attire I choose to I do not want the likes of Vegas defending me in this debate. When some people support you it just make you look worst. No thank you Vegas & please take several seats sir. *cut eyes*
2) Gino Jennings or no other man cannot tell me how to attire myself. Just the other day I tell my son that the day I take attire stipulations from him I go live with ISIS. And other people know better. Men are too oppressive for me to every subject myself to them telling me how to dress. You give them an inch, they walk a mile all over you. I notice how he and his band of merry bible-thumping men always in their well tailored suits of varying colours, while the women are docile and dowdy in their white, squared garments. Hmmm? Keep a female down while their thing up. No thank you Gino Jennings & please take several seats sir. *cut eyes*
[I][B]Men[/B] are too oppressive for me to every subject myself to them telling me how to dress. You give them an inch, they walk a mile all over you.[/I]
I have, for a very long time, been a huge admirer of the Royal one, so I’m disappointed in the above referenced statement. Men, as you know quite well, come in many different forms/flavors and your classification of men, while painting with broad brush, doesn’t do you justice. For the record, I wouldn’t “oppress” nor “walk a mile all over” you (if ever being in such a position).
If you return, are you prepared to amend your statement Cindy? That statement is just hanging out there like a Piñata.
Your disappointment is duly noted sir, but I cannot amend. It took me a while, but I have come to the realisation that if a woman is not strong in the brain, men, no matter how good he thinks he is, will walk all over her and disregard her likes and tastes. Now, when I speak about strong I’m not speaking to no butch woman situation or no woman who don’t know how to make a man be a man. But I realise that if you allow a man to order for you 2 times, he somehow takes it for granted that he gets to decide what you eat at every sitting. If you allow him to pick out a dress 1 time, he thinks he’s the leading authority on how you should dress. If he decides where you go and what you do, you end up living in an unfulfilling relationship. I’m simply saying, I don’t emasculate men, but I have worked very hard to be in a position to have a man know that I am no walk over & don’t ever plan to be in any aspect. Can you imagine if when the other day my son said to me ‘change it!’ with authority just because he didn’t like my outfit I’d actually changed it, the kind of ole crosses I would be raising for people’s girl children. Nope! However, he once asked me to change it because I wore the same blouse to his event the year before (those damn multicoloured things that goes with everything), so yes, I changed it then, because he had a good reason other than being chauvanistic. So good sir, see, I am not beyond listening to a man, but men don’t handle the power we give them well, so I give the power very carefully and with condition. I hope that clears it up. Much love still.
I don’t see any video
Vegas spent too much time twanging instead of debating intellectually or sensibly, but then Vegas is an intellectual no-weight pretending like because him love chat he’s an intellectual.
Gino Jennings is a bully and tyrant who uses the bible to bully people, so someone who’s ignorant about the bible and theology (Vegas) cannot go up against him. Which played out in grand fashion at this so-called ‘debate’.
When Vegas couldn’t manage, he did what was expected of an intellectual no-weight, he attached Jennings on a personal level by calling him a ‘hypocrit’ and ‘liar’. That would have been totally unnecessary if he did as Jennings asked and ‘debated’ based on the bible.
Now, like all bullies and tyrants, Jennings is a coward. One dunce head artiste style him and he basically had the man physically assaulted because he couldn’t take it. All Jennings had to do was keep whapping up Vegas with the bible. The audience was his anyways. He could not have lost the ‘debate’ and Vegas could not have won.
All in all I have 2 things to say about this debate:
1) As a woman who freely wears my make-up and any other attire I choose to I do not want the likes of Vegas defending me in this debate. When some people support you it just make you look worst. No thank you Vegas & please take several seats sir. *cut eyes*
2) Gino Jennings or no other man cannot tell me how to attire myself. Just the other day I tell my son that the day I take attire stipulations from him I go live with ISIS. And other people know better. Men are too oppressive for me to every subject myself to them telling me how to dress. You give them an inch, they walk a mile all over you. I notice how he and his band of merry bible-thumping men always in their well tailored suits of varying colours, while the women are docile and dowdy in their white, squared garments. Hmmm? Keep a female down while their thing up. No thank you Gino Jennings & please take several seats sir. *cut eyes*
[I][B]Men[/B] are too oppressive for me to every subject myself to them telling me how to dress. You give them an inch, they walk a mile all over you.[/I]
I have, for a very long time, been a huge admirer of the Royal one, so I’m disappointed in the above referenced statement. Men, as you know quite well, come in many different forms/flavors and your classification of men, while painting with broad brush, doesn’t do you justice. For the record, I wouldn’t “oppress” nor “walk a mile all over” you (if ever being in such a position).
If you return, are you prepared to amend your statement Cindy? That statement is just hanging out there like a Piñata.
Your disappointment is duly noted sir, but I cannot amend. It took me a while, but I have come to the realisation that if a woman is not strong in the brain, men, no matter how good he thinks he is, will walk all over her and disregard her likes and tastes. Now, when I speak about strong I’m not speaking to no butch woman situation or no woman who don’t know how to make a man be a man. But I realise that if you allow a man to order for you 2 times, he somehow takes it for granted that he gets to decide what you eat at every sitting. If you allow him to pick out a dress 1 time, he thinks he’s the leading authority on how you should dress. If he decides where you go and what you do, you end up living in an unfulfilling relationship. I’m simply saying, I don’t emasculate men, but I have worked very hard to be in a position to have a man know that I am no walk over & don’t ever plan to be in any aspect. Can you imagine if when the other day my son said to me ‘change it!’ with authority just because he didn’t like my outfit I’d actually changed it, the kind of ole crosses I would be raising for people’s girl children. Nope! However, he once asked me to change it because I wore the same blouse to his event the year before (those damn multicoloured things that goes with everything), so yes, I changed it then, because he had a good reason other than being chauvanistic. So good sir, see, I am not beyond listening to a man, but men don’t handle the power we give them well, so I give the power very carefully and with condition. I hope that clears it up. Much love still.
Excellently written!!! I come out Cindy!!! :shakehand2 :shakehand2
Excellent Cindy!!!Same suh :2thumbup :angel :request :thumbup :pertamax :sungkem :thanks2 :shakehand2