
Dear Editor,

The verbal ceremony agreement that is quite topical between same gender human beings for them to live together should not be called a marriage. This is wrong, false and a lie.

The dictionary meaning (the Collins paperback English dictionary on page 495) of the word marriage states that marriage is (1) The state of relationship of being husband and wife the institution of marriage. (2) The contract made by a man and woman to live as husband and wife. (3) The ceremony formalising this union — wedding. In all the above definition, the male and female gender are constantly repeated.

Also in Genesis 1: 27-28, God created man and woman to have dominion over all birds of the air all fishes in the seas and all animals that creep, live, move upon the Earth. Therefore, how come cats, dogs, goats, sheep, and other animals are not confused and making the same mistake. Our God did not make any mistakes in his creation of the world and humanity.

From time to time you read or hear so-called intelligent human beings saying that they are not going in other human beings bedrooms or peeping through key holes to spy, but the same gender human beings are on their verandahs in public places being exhibitionists. What of my perceived right to not be disturbed.

Whatever any human does with his body in privacy is an individual decision. Yet the same gender-changing human beings feel that society must accept them. What a paradox?

We, human beings, are wonderfully created. Love yourself as the good Lord intende.

Hugh Innis

Montego Bay

[email protected]

0 thoughts on “DO NOT CALL IT MARRIAGE

  1. The dog is not going with the cat, and you certainly will not see two female puss rubbing crutches together, they are animals they have only instincts to go by, we are supposed to be smart and intellectual, but our instinct tell us to go to bed with someone of our own sex.

  2. Met if the church give in to them, I will keep my church in my heart, I will not sit in the congregation of sinners, I will deal with the wolf, cause them act like sheep, but no two man or woman not going to married in front of my eyes.

  3. A law made by man to serve man is STILL NOT a law or EVEN BEING CLOSE according to GODS LAWS which are the only true and RIGHT LAWS as GOD IS THE CREATOR OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH AND ALL THINGS THEREIN. I pity them all, and especially all the politically incorrect idiots who have fallen into the hands of the Devil and believe his lies.

  4. Good day met and bloggers,

    I have been thinking about this gay agenda and what it means to the god fearing believers.As christians we dont have a say,their beliefs are shove down our throats. We are now marginalized and can only share our opposition behind close doors because of the fear of been victimize. Next on their agenda is to change the definition of marriage to encompass their nastiness. Secondly they will change the school curriculum, so our children will be taught that homosexuality is right.Then they will try to change the bible and if that fails they will have it taken away permanently they have already suceeded in having it taken out of the classrooms.

  5. @Anonymous 2:08pm, they have already for quite some time now, been teaching “tolerance” as a class/subject in schools!

    This whole thing ANGERS ME sooooo much!!!!! SMMFH

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