He cheated, I cheated… Revenge stories

A relationship should never reach a level where a woman has to take revenge on a man for him to open his eyes and see her worth. But this is exactly what happened to the women below, who share how they got their men’s waning attention.


I cheated. I am not proud of it, but we were basically just co-parenting. We still lived together for the sake of family but we were not really into each other. My husband had been cheating on me for several years and every year he promised to change and nothing happened until he saw my cell phone and I confessed to him that yes, the guy and I had been having s*x. It changed our lives but it opened his eyes.


My man was always going out and leaving me home. I was tired of it so I basically packed my clothes and when he came home I was gone. He called several times and I ignored him until a week later. I told him I flew out of the country but I was by my mother’s house. I was tired of his neglect and I vented that to him. I was tired.


I cheated on him and I would do it a million times. I know a lot of people would say it will only hurt me, but my reality is quite different as I feel awesome. He never takes me out, he cheats and lies. I am sorry but I am not sorry.


I burned his clothes. We are no longer together but I had to, just to release my anger. He was a professional liar and I was angry at him and mostly at me for wasting my time.


I did to him all the things he did to me that hurt me, like cheating, lying and forgetting his birthday. He started to notice I stopped washing, cooking and all that luxury he used to get. I basically gave him a dosage of his own medicine.

5 thoughts on “DOING WHAT HE DID

  1. Well, sex in a monogamous relationship is a spiritual bond, and when one party breaks that bond then the relationship has changed forever. To me it is a form of divorce without the paperwork, a spiritual divorce. Too many women have died because of a cheating spouse, cheating can cause you your very life, do not take it likely, because when that virus is multiplying in your body it cares not if you were married a virgin, have never cheated on your spouse, or a good woman, its only intention is to take your life. Never accept cheating or let a man convince you all men cheat and it is natural, this is a lie! Put your life and survival first and know your worth.

  2. Some men nuh care, them is always gonna lie n cheat. As women we sometimes need to know wen to quit n stop treating men like kids. If something not working out nuh waste uno time bout nuh damm counsellor.

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