1. Holes in this story by these two.When you pregnant sweetie you don’t do annual,it’s called a prenatal visit to check on mommy and growing baby.
    Don’t you mean you start 2nd trimester abortion which basically kill the baby inside you and the next step is they make you push it out.

  2. Such a ugly scum bucket like dovey.. If d girl lose her baby due to an attempted abortion wha d r*ss dat fi constantly post.. wha kinda drankro rejoice over a childs death. She nuh supposedly have a music career? Why she nuh focus pan dat instead of being a old bitter shit pit, ppl like she nuffi procreate. Good Morning every1 :cendol

  3. She no have no music career. Inna ppl business and try a look ppl man to f**k her. Get a life and find a man that want to own you up BIG DOVE

  4. ” Diva” been faking pregnancies for a long time. Every couple months she “breed” smh she love too much attention.

  5. Dovey stay fcking bad I wld neva wnt to b friends wid a skunk like dat cause safe a txt so she can use dem against pple wat kinda friend save messages so wen dem an dem friends fall out to use it dat mns she had a plan from day one

  6. Dovey just bill nuh mums. Focus pon music and the success it will bring vs the drama! Drama is what brings you down.

  7. Dovey too badmind with her light bulb looking eye and her outta shape hummer body.. it no take a blindman fi see that she red eye cause chevy look better by far and u suppose to be a artist but it seem like the only person with the shine is chevy and a that a bun u..dovey ppl like u worst than having enemies

  8. Dovey really … Stay bad Dovey u still looking attention … Obviously Chevy a bun yuh .. These people talking about music career .. Which career.. When u f**k to get studio time .. U f**k and suck promoter to get show dates .. Or set nicki on them .. U make me sick ALL THIS SYORY U MAKING UP ABOUT THE GURL SHE STILL A SHINE .. All if it did true how u look posting some shit like this .. U always bite the hand that feeds u that why u never gonna reach no where in life .., WHY YUH NUH POST AND TELL THE PEOPLE THEM HOW YUH GET YUH RASS BEAT THE DAY A YUH PARTY … Bitch please … Met we tierd of STINK ROTTEN MOUTH STAY BAD DOVEY .. Stop give har shine now .. Ask Chevy how she do it and stop trouble the Gyal !!!

  9. @Talkthethings do you know anything about my sister im going to tell you ugly ass hoes 1 time DONT MENTION NICKI F**ING NAME IN YALL MOUTH FOH MY SISTER HARDLY EVER MIX WITH YOU LOW LIFE NO PAPERS HAVING BITCHES SUCK A DICK AND DONT MENTION NICKI OUT YOUR MOUTH NO MAN CAN GRAB A MIC AND GIVE DETAILS ON MY SISTER PUSSY NOR MOUTH ! Dovey must of sent your big pussy mother to suck and f**k promoters !!! -Coogie

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