Once for all time he took blood into that Most Holy Place, but not the blood of goats and calves. He took his own blood, and with it he secured our salvation forever. Hebrews 9:12

Jesus offered Himself up as the one perfect sacrifice that will eternally meet every divine requirement for Redemption; His death on the cross was the one sacrifice that put an end to sacrifices because nothing could be greater than the spotless blood of the Lamb of God. The blood of the Lamb of God flows to wash us clean from every sin that makes us vulnerable to the devil and his evil activities. The blood sets us free from every wicked spiritual force; no evil law or foundational power can withstand the power of the blood of Jesus.

This truth is the message that you need to send to every wicked contrary spirit that is messing with your life because the blood destroys and stands in dominion over every power that wreak havoc in your home. Tell that strong man in your bloodline that the blood of Jesus stands in judgment against him and his agents that are conniving with other vagabond spirits to keep you in captivity, to abort your divine destiny and compel you to live according to their dictates. The blood of Jesus rebukes every spiritual and physical father-in-sin who is assigned to pervert your righteousness by keeping you enslaved in a life of sin and reproach. The blood of Jesus is working against every power assigned to destroy your business, frustrate your career and make you live a fruitless life.

Don’t just sit back feeling helpless and defeated by a devil who was defeated over 2000 years ago at Calvary. You cannot afford to live in ignorance or indifference to the blood that was shed for you on the cross; Jesus suffered, bled and died just for you, to give you victory over the enemy in every area of your life. The blood was powerful, is powerful and will always be powerful; stand in faith and draw the blood line between you and the devil. Draw the blood line between you and everything that does not glorify God in your life.

Liberation thought: There is power in the Blood of Jesus

Further reading: Matthew 26:26 – 28


Oh Lord thank you for the death of Jesus on the cross. Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins and that of my fathers
Father, I thank you for the precious blood of Jesus that speak great things into my life.
By reason of the death of Jesus I command every work of the devil in my life, in my bloodline dead in Jesus mighty name


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